Author Topic: HuffPo Shamelessly Defends Professional Protester DeRay Mckesson  (Read 328 times)

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HuffPo Shamelessly Defends Professional Protester DeRay Mckesson


V. Saxena 
June 14, 2015

On Wednesday, Huffington Post contributor Julia Craven published a shameless defense of professional protester DeRay Mckesson after former talk-show host Montel Williams tweeted that “DeRay is no MLK.”

In fact, a lot of Leftist loons came to the defense of DeRay, a guy whom Fortune magazine unbelievably enough labeled one of the “World’s Greatest Leaders.”

Rather than examine everybody else’s defense of him, however, today I want to focus strictly on Craven.

She first pointed to the way in which DeRay once allegedly “checked [CNN host] Wolf Blitzer’s privilege during the Baltimore uprising.”

She was referencing the way in which DeRay caught an attitude and acted like a baby when Blitzer rightfully tried to point out that the Baltimore riots were wrong and had caused unprecedented amounts of damage to the community:

FYI, those riots that Craven’s hero DeRay Mckesson refused to condemn destroyed numerous businesses and even cost one woman her job.


Craven also showered praise on DeRay for creating the Ferguson Protester Newsletter, as well as “a text messaging system that alerted people when the grand jury handed down its decision on whether to indict Darren Wilson.”

The fact that the people DeRay alerted went on to burn down hundreds of Ferguson businesses apparently didn’t matter to her.

Craven went on to congratulate DeRay for letting “White America know, along with countless others, that there will be no justice or peace as long as black lives are treated without value or respect.”

Keep in mind that DeRay happens to be the same stooge who only days ago told Fox News host Sean Hannity that “Michael Brown should be alive today”:

The guy still views Brown as a victim, despite the overwhelming evidence — both from the St. Louis grand jury and former Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice — proving that Brown was the victim of his own thuggish behavior.

Ultimately, DeRay Mckesson is nothing more than a defender of violent thugs — be they Mike Brown or the insidious jerks who trashed Ferguson and Baltimore.

So yeah, sorry, but not only is DeRay “no MLK,” but he’s in fact the exact opposite of everything MLK ever stood for …
« Last Edit: June 15, 2015, 11:15:04 am by rangerrebew »