Author Topic: Rachel Dolezal, Spokane NAACP Head, Accused of Pretending to Be Black  (Read 5576 times)

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Check the TBR database. On this very forum I disclosed my long held desire to be a pony.

I can't recall the number of nights I dreamed of galloping through fields of flowers with a naked girl on my back. <Whinny>

Wow... I never took you for that type.

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Offline Lando Lincoln

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Wow... I never took you for that type.


I failed to heed the warning and am now discombobulated.
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Offline aligncare

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Wow... I never took you for that type.


I swear to you, I thought I was making the pony stuff up. I had no idea they were people who were into equine fantasy along with their S&M.

What a world.

Offline Lando Lincoln

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I swear to you, I thought I was making the pony stuff up. I had no idea they were people who were into equine fantasy along with their S&M.

There are some among us who live in rooms of experience we can never enter.
John Steinbeck

Offline ArneFufkin

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You obviously have not seen #BlackTwitter.

Let's just summarize it by saying that the words "white privilege" are getting thrown about pretty frequently there.

Yes, I've seen the subsequent backlash since this story broke.   It's fascinating when the various elements of the liberal grievance industry turn on each other.

Offline Lando Lincoln

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Arne... Always happy to see you on the board.
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Offline alicewonders

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I swear to you, I thought I was making the pony stuff up. I had no idea they were people who were into equine fantasy along with their S&M.

What a world.

And we won't even go into the My Little Pony lovers!   :nometalk:

Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

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Source: Rachel Dolezal Led ‘Black Lives Matter’ Movement While Insisting It Should Only Be Led By African-Americans


Brian Carey 
June 13, 2015

This is beautiful.

You all know by now about Rachel Dolezal. She’s the white-as-a-lily woman who loathed her own race and pretended to be an African-American. She was exposed as a fraud by her own parents late this week.

During an interview with Anderson Cooper (yes, he still exists), activist and author Marc Lamont Hill said that he knew Rachel Dolezal and heard her say that only black people should lead the “Black Lives Matter” movement.

Apparently, he didn’t know her well enough to detect a lack of melanin in her skin, so take this with as many ounces of salt as you wish.


Hill said that what Dolezal is doing is the “ultimate exercise in white privilege.”

Pretending to black is the ultimate exercise in white privilege? How did he reach that conclusion?

“Look, I don’t know her well, but I have been in settings with her, I’ve organized with her, I’ve been on the West Coast and talked with her,” he said. “And one of the things she’s been adamant about – and other activists will attest to this – with regards to the Black Lives Matter movement, she was one of the people that said the Black Lives Matter movement needs to be led and directed by black people.”

Hill added the Dolezal also said that “outsiders should not be there.”

Really? “Outsiders”? Who, pray tell, does she mean by that?
« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 11:06:16 am by rangerrebew »


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Reporter to Rachel Dolezal: Is this African-American man really your father?

posted at 11:21 am on June 12, 2015 by Allahpundit


Comedy gold courtesy of Cuffy Meigs. The first eight minutes show Dolezal rambling on about the mysterious hate crimes committed against her and her kids. The action starts at 7:55, when the interviewer surprises her by asking her to confirm that the black man she claims is her father really is her father. It’s all downhill from there.

Maybe she’s … “trans-racial”? Via Sean Davis, here’s what she told a newspaper three years ago:

Rachel Doležal was born in a teepee in Montana. She grew up wearing moccasins and was planting seeds by the age of 3…

After Montana, Doležal’s family moved to Colorado and then South Africa. All the while, she created art, finding her voice through an array of mediums. In her home in Coeur d’Alene, she fans out some photos on the kitchen table, pointing out the pieces she did in high school; her raw talent and powerful messages are undeniable. Even then, her desire to make sense of the human condition oozed from her work.

In 2000, Doležal earned a bachelor’s degree from Belhaven College in Jackson, Mississippi, and a master’s degree in 2002 from Howard University, a historically black university in Washington, D.C.  She taught at Howard for two years before moving to Idaho. “Coming from a trans-racial family that has hop-scotched to a variety of racial-tension areas, I have seen racial hatred in many forms,” she says.

Doležal is a rainbow. African-American, Native American, German, Czech, Swedish, Jewish and Arabic, she is a poster child for diversity in all of its aspects.

The part about her being Czech, German, Swedish, and Native American (“possible traces”) appears to be true, at least. As for “trans-racial,” that’s also technically true: Her white parents have adopted black children, one of whom Dolezal has passed off as her own son. “Trans” in this context is a term used to describe adoptions that cross racial lines, not to imply that she or her family had “transitioned” a la Caitlyn Jenner from one race to the other — although maybe now Dolezal has no choice but to make that argument. When you’ve committed a fraud this absurd and elaborate, involving fake dads and fake sons and almost certainly fake hate crimes, the only path back to a modicum of sympathy is claiming that your identification with African-Americans is so complete that your entire racial identity has shifted because of it.

Will lefties back her up? Davis is having fun on Twitter this morning reminding them that it’s a staple of their rhetoric that “race is a social construct.” As such, there should be no problem, or less of a problem, with Dolezal identifying as black than with Jenner identifying as a woman. The counterargument will be that a white woman can’t claim authentic blackness because she hasn’t had to cope with prejudice, but Dolezal’s trying: Like Jenner, she’s taken on the physical trappings of the reality she aspires to. She’s curled her hair, she’s darkened her skin a bit (is that bronzer?), she’s the head of the NAACP, for cripes sake. She even claims fake black relatives to enhance the illusion. She wants the world to see her as black, notwithstanding the risk she runs of facing prejudice by doing so. What’s the progressive argument for rejecting that?

Update: I’m going to guess the progressive response goes something like this: Identifying as a woman isn’t a political identification, it’s a psychological urge that plays off biological differences. Bruce Jenner didn’t want to be a woman because he cares so deeply about equal pay for equal work, he wanted to be a woman because he “felt” feminine somehow and needed to express that. It’s hard to see what the analogy would be in Dolezal’s case. Did she always “feel” somehow that her skin should be darker than it really was? She claimed black identity, I assume, because she admired black culture and sympathized with the black experience in America, but rule one of progressivism is that a member of a privileged class can’t truly know what it means to be underprivileged, especially when privilege intersects with race. So Dolezal, a privileged white woman, comes off as grotesque, a cultural expropriator, while Jenner is okay.

The more cynical read on why progressives treat them differently is that one helps the lefty agenda while the other harms it. Jenner is another milepost in LGBT acceptance; the more mainstream she is, the more comfortable the public will be with gays, lesbians, and transgenders/transsexuals. Dolezal, meanwhile, diminishes the seriousness of civil rights for blacks by suggesting that being black is as easy as changing your hair and hitting the tanning bed more often.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 11:51:14 am by rangerrebew »

Offline NavyCanDo

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Why should any of us be surprised that the NAACP President  is a fraud, when the whole organization is a fraud and has defrauded the very black people it claims to represent since its inception.  The National Organization for the Advancement of Colored People has "Advanced" nobody but its leaders and its lobbyist, while the people that it claims to represent remain in bondage by the new slave master the U.S. Government, and the chains they use, subsidies.  They gave up one slave master for another and the NAACP's only accomplishment was to make sure that there is no way to escape, and the few that do will be ridiculed.
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Offline alicewonders

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Why should any of us be surprised that the NAACP President  is a fraud, when the whole organization is a fraud and has defrauded the very black people it claims to represent since its inception.  The National Organization for the Advancement of Colored People has "Advanced" nobody but its leaders and its lobbyist, while the people that it claims to represent remain in bondage by the new slave master the U.S. Government, and the chains they use, subsidies.  They gave up one slave master for another and the NAACP's only accomplishment was to make sure that there is no way to escape, and the few that do will be ridiculed.

Very well said, Navy!  You hit the nail on the head!

 :amen: :amen: :amen:

Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

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Behold #WrongSkin: The Campaign For Whackos Who Think They’re Black


V. Saxena 
June 14, 2015

On Thursday, Brian Carey introduced you to the head of Spokane’s NAACP, Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who pretended to be black because she’s got a few nails, bolts and screws loose in her lily-white cranium.

Here’s what he didn’t tell you. After Dolezal got exposed by the media, a white guy named Godfrey Elfwick launched a Twitter campaign, #WrongSkin, to show his solidarity with her.

According to The Mirror, Godfrey is in fact a hoaxer who pretends to be a “social justice warrior” for the laughs.

With that said, his asinine tweets — including one that read, “A person’s skin color does not determine their ethnicity” — apparently sparked a legitimate “debate over whether it is possible to be born in the ‘wrong skin.'”

“If we are accepting of people switching genders we should also be accepting of people switching races,” wrote one Twitter user.


Even MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry joined in on the debate. According to Truth Revolt, she wondered “whether there could be a special ‘category of blackness‘ for people who have succeeded in ‘the achievement of blackness despite one’s parentage.'”

But like Truth Revolt contributor Mark Tapson wrote, “Imagine the progressive screams of ‘cultural appropriation!’ ‘white privilege!’ and even ‘racism!’ if Rachel Dolezal were a conservative.”

Exactly. Because Dolezal is willing to peddle the bullshit racial narrative that liberals buy into, she is automatically excused of any and all potential wrongdoing.

Like Tapson wrote, “ecause she’s a liberal, and because the left is all about racial division and identity politics, they must bend over backwards to justify her.”

Consistency, folks. Consistency is something liberals lack, and the way in which some of them are responding to Dolezal’s lies proves it.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 04:36:34 pm by rangerrebew »

Online mountaineer

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I reiterate that  :amen:
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Offline Carling

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Imagine if a conservative white woman would have had two black men and a child dress up like jungle-dwelling shamans in order to re-create her fake "birth in a teepee" in front of an audience.  Instead, she's being defended for stuff like this, simply because she's a liberal professor.  She even had the kid put on white-face, in an all-time moment of irony. 

Liberalism is a mental illness.

Also note the high-heels and bathing suit, which apparently have some sort of historical significance?   :silly:

« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 11:03:19 pm by Carling »
Trump has created a cult and looks more and more like Hitler every day.

Offline ArneFufkin

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Imagine if a conservative white woman would have had two black men and a child dress up like jungle-dwelling shamans in order to re-create her fake "birth in a teepee" in front of an audience.  Instead, she's being defended for stuff like this, simply because she's a liberal professor.  She even had the kid put on white-face, in an all-time moment of irony. 

Liberalism is a mental illness.

Also note the high-heels and bathing suit, which apparently have some sort of historical significance?   :silly:

I get a laugh at the smug white liberals in the audience who are so proud of themselves for being part of something so ... "diverse" and sophisticated.

Offline Carling

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I just can't get enough of this absurd story.  It's so funny, and the left is tying themselves into knots defending here.  So, it turns out, skin color really doesn't matter, it's about being a Democrat/liberal that really matters. 

Rachel Dolezal: Yes, I Consider Myself Black

With all the controversy surrounding her race, Rachel Dolezal, has stepped forward to reaffirm that she does in fact consider herself a Black. The white NAACP leader, whose race was exposed by her parents, said in an interview with CBS News affiliate KREM 2, that she could “give two sh*ts” what her critics think about her true identity.

Dolezal has been lying about her race for close to a decade, and leads the NAACP chapter in Spokane, Wash. When asked if she believes herself to be “African-American,” she immediately shunned the word.

“I don’t like the term ‘African-American,’ I prefer ‘Black,’” she told a KREM 2 news reporter , Friday.”If I was asked, I would definitely say ‘yes, I do consider myself Black.”

For those confused, Dolezal pointed to a W.E.B. DuBois theory on race being more “cultural” than“biological,” but didn’t explain why she kept her ethnicity a secret.

The NAACP, which was co-founded by a white suffragette and journalist, Mary White Ovington, has said that it stands behind Dolezal’s work, regardless of her race.

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Trump has created a cult and looks more and more like Hitler every day.

Offline ArneFufkin

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Arne... Always happy to see you on the board.

Thanks Lando, this is a great board.  It will be fun to hang here in the next 16 months or so in particular as we prepare for Queen Hillary's coronation!    :whistle:

Offline ArneFufkin

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I just can't get enough of this absurd story.  It's so funny, and the left is tying themselves into knots defending here.  So, it turns out, skin color really doesn't matter, it's about being a Democrat/liberal that really matters. 

Rachel Dolezal: Yes, I Consider Myself Black

As we all know, being liberal means never having to say you're sorry.

As usual, this soulless grifter is just going to double down in the confidence that the media and a decadent culture will start taking her bullcrap seriously.

Offline Lando Lincoln

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Lando's Logic:

Never play Twister with a liberal.
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Offline massadvj

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What is the difference between Rachel Dolezal and this?

Only liberal pretzel logic, that's what.


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- The Daily Caller - -

White NAACP Leader Rachel Dolezal Is BISEXUAL Too!

Posted By Patrick Howley On 5:51 PM 06/14/2015 In | No Comments

Rachel Dolezal is officially the ultimate progressive.

Dolezal, who was born white but became the leader of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s (NAACP) Spokane, Wash. chapter after representing herself as African-American (her supporters claim she’s “transracial“), is fluid in other ways, too.

“I’d guess I’m also one of the youngest presidents [of the NAACP],” Dolezal said in a December interview with the publication Spokane Faith and Values. “As a single mom who has lived on the poverty line and identifies as bisexual, perhaps some of my other demographics are also a first for Spokane. I know there is a strong majority of older straight men with strong church ties leading many of the branches nationally.”

Some of her other demographics? How many demographics, exactly, does she have?

So far:

1. Black (but not really)

2. Possibly transracial
3. Single mom

4. “Has lived on the poverty line”
5. Into both women and men

Article printed from The Daily Caller:

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« Last Edit: June 15, 2015, 10:53:26 am by rangerrebew »