Author Topic: US Claims That Syria is Now Helping ISIS (Their Mortal Enemy)  (Read 451 times)

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US Claims That Syria is Now Helping ISIS (Their Mortal Enemy)

Joshua Krause
 The Daily Sheeple
 June 2nd, 2015

Since the rise of ISIS, the nation of Syria has been fighting a three way civil war between the Assad regime, the (supposedly) moderate rebels, and the extremists that broke off from said rebels, now called ISIS. Complicating matters is the fact that the US has long supported the rebels, and recently declassified documents prove that the US fostered the rise of ISIS to destabilize the region, and ultimately topple Assad.

Now America’s intentions in the region have been clouded even more by a recent accusation levied against the Assad regime. Get this, apparently the Syrian military is helping ISIS fight the rebels.

The United States has accused the Syrian military of carrying out air strikes to help Islamic State fighters advance around the northern city of Aleppo, messages posted on the U.S. Embassy Syria official Twitter feed said.

Islamic State fighters pushed back rival insurgents north of Aleppo on Sunday near the Turkish border, threatening their supply route to the city, fighters and a group monitoring the war said.

Fighters from Levant Front, a northern alliance which includes Western-backed rebels and Islamist fighters, said they were worried Islamic State was heading for the Bab al-Salam crossing between Aleppo and the Turkish province of Kilis.

“Reports indicate that the regime is making air strikes in support of ISIL’s advance on Aleppo, aiding extremists against Syrian population,” a post on the U.S. Embassy Syria Twitter account said late on Monday, using an acronym for Islamic State.

Syrian officials have previously dismissed as nonsense allegations by Washington and Syrian opposition activists that the Syrian military has helped Islamic State’s fight against rival Syrian insurgent forces.

At this point, it’s hard to believe that the US Government could concoct such a bizarre lie. It’s as if their entire narrative is falling apart. It reminds me of what happens when you catch someone in a lie, and they try to cover their tracks with more lies, each one more absurd than the last.

This is probably the most ham-fisted propaganda to have ever come out of Washington. They know that most American’s are willing to fight terrorists, but we’re not interested in putting boots on the ground to change regimes anymore. Since they’re trying to eliminate the Syrian state, they thought they could just arbitrarily combine the terrorists with the regime, and we wouldn’t know the difference.

But in reality, it doesn’t make a lick of sense for Assad to help ISIS in any way. In terms of territory, ISIS has consumed twice as much turf as Assad and the rebels combined. They are such a massive threat, that letting them win anything would be suicidal in the long run.

This is just another false narrative designed to pull at the heartstrings of a gullible electorate. They so desperately want an excuse to wipe out the Russian-backed Assad, that now they’re just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what might stick. They really seem to think they can adlib some story about Assad aiding an enemy that has overrun more than half his country. Either that, or this has been their propaganda plan since the Arab Spring, and they are way dumber than any of us could have imagined.
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