Author Topic: Muslim Boys Soccer Team Refuses to Play Catholic Team w/Girls On It  (Read 449 times)

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Muslim Boys Soccer Team Refuses to Play Catholic Team w/Girls On It

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On June 1, 2015 @ 10:08 am In The Point | 33 Comments

The pattern here is that Muslims not only create their own rules, but the pandering to them turns those rules into universal rules for everyone. And that’s the plan.

When there are a few Muslim teams, then everyone will have to play by these rules. Either that or deal with the uncomfortable choice between feminism and Islam. And Islam will win [1].

A boys soccer team from ISNA Private Islamic High School refused to finish a game on Tuesday because two females were on the opposing team during a Brampton tournament.

Robert F. Hall Catholic School, in Caledon, does not have a girls team so the two females played on the senior boys team, which was approved by the Region of Peel Secondary School Athletic Association (ROPSSAA).

During halftime, the ISNA Private Islamic High School team brought the concern to the referee. Robert F. Hall Catholic School school was winning the game 3–1 at that point.

And that’s the other angle. They only brought up the objection when they were losing, which is also typical of the way that Islamic law serves the agendas of Muslims in conflicts with non-Muslims. Even in a children’s soccer game.

The girls on Robert F. Hall Catholic School team told CityNews they insisted on sitting out for the second half to allow the game to continue. The team went on to win 6-1 but both teams ended up advancing to the next round.

And the girls will be expected to do this again and again. Or they’ll be accused of Islamophobia.

As Vlad Tepes points out, [1]

Additional thoughts. What if they had been playing against a KKK team from Alabama in the 30s or something and they said they wouldn’t play against black people and the coach had convinced the blacks to sit it out so the rest of the team could enjoy the game. Would people think about it differently then? Because they shouldn’t.

It’s a topic the left doesn’t want to talk about, but in practice women have always come second to minorities for the left.

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