Author Topic: Dem Presidential Candidate: Baltimore Looting was “Everything it Means to Be An American”  (Read 332 times)

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Dem Presidential Candidate: Baltimore Looting was “Everything it Means to Be An American”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 31, 2015 @ 11:12 am In The Point | 14 Comments

pcg [1]
The Democratic Party; this is what it looks like now

Martin O’Malley seems to be confusing America with a racist lynch mob. It’s an easy mistake since [2] that racist lynch mob is now his party’s political base.

The former mayor of Baltimore, who had tried to duplicate some of the policing revolution that made New York City safe in Baltimore, and has been apologizing for it ever since, spun his city’s violent race riots.

Now he’s spinning it as he runs for president.

He acknowledged the riots last month in Baltimore, but said it shouldn’t just be defined as a racial issue.

“For all of us who have given so much of our energies to making our city a safer, fairer, more just and more prosperous place, it was a heartbreaking night in the life of our city,” he said. “But there is something to be learned from that night, and there is something to be offered to our country from those flames. For what took place here was not only about race, not only about policing in America. It’s about everything it is supposed to mean to be an American.”

No, what took place here is what happens when the Democratic Party exploits racial tensions for political gain, as it with white rioters during the Civil War, and as it’s been doing with black rioters.

It is the opposite of what it means to be an American.

It is a shameful disgrace that is not caused by poverty, but by the entitlement of groups that believe that they deserve to get everything without working for it and politicians that promise to give it to them at the expense of working people.

Poverty does not make you assault people. It does not make you rob them. Your own character does that.

Instead of telling the communities these people came from to take a hard look at themselves, O’Malley joins Obama in blaming America for conditions created by his own party. And in his case, by his own leadership.

If Baltimore is a miserable place, is that America’s fault or O’Malley’s fault?

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