Author Topic: Clinton Foundation: We Just Found Another $26 Million We Forgot About  (Read 323 times)

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Clinton Foundation: We Just Found Another $26 Million We Forgot About

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 21, 2015 @ 11:47 pm In The Point | No Comments

hillary [1]

It happens to everyone. One time I found $13 million under a sofa cushion. And don’t get me started on all the billions behind the maps of Cleveland in the glove compartment.

Come on, they’re only human [2].

The Clinton Foundation reported Thursday that it has received as much as $26.4 million in previously undisclosed payments from major corporations, universities, foreign sources and other groups.

The disclosure came as the foundation faced questions over whether it fully complied with a 2008 ethics agreement to reveal its donors and whether any of its funding sources present conflicts of interest for Hillary Rodham Clinton as she begins her presidential campaign.

A better question is are there any Hillary funding sources that don’t involve ABC News, Uranium or conflicts of interest?

According to the new information, the Clintons have delivered 97 speeches to benefit the charity since 2002. Colleges and universities sponsored more than two dozen of these speeches, along with U.S. and overseas corporations and at least one foreign government, Thailand.

And the charity benefits the Clintons and the colleges are run by former Clinton officials. It’s the great Clinton cycle of life.

The U.S. Islamic World Forum also provided $250,000 to $500,000 to the foundation for a speech by Bill Clinton, according to the new disclosure. The event was organized in part by the Brookings Institution with support from the government of Qatar.

And Qatar, just happens to be a state sponsor of terror. No big deal.

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