Author Topic: Obama Demands Congress Assume Responsibility for War on ISIS  (Read 459 times)

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Obama Demands Congress Assume Responsibility for War on ISIS

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 20, 2015 @ 10:31 am In The Point | 21 Comments

obama [1]

It’s not Obama’s fault that the war on ISIS is going so badly. It’s the fault of Congress [2].

But White House spokesman Josh Earnest blamed Congress for not giving Mr. Obama the new military authorization he asked for to wage war against the Islamic State.

“At some point, somebody in Congress needs to assume responsibility for this and not just complain about it the whole time,” Earnest said.

Congress needs to assume responsibility for developing strategies for Obama’s incompetence? If Earnest wants that so badly, he can just ask his boss and Biden to resign and make way for President John Boehner.

Squealing about a military authorization is the most ridiculous excuse Obama has come up with in years.

1. Obama felt free to fight a war in Libya without asking Congress or even telling Congress.

2. He’s currently fighting in Iraq anyway. So he’s clearly capable of doing whatever the hell he wants.

3. Obama has implemented illegal alien amnesty without asking Congress. He’s trying to implement treaties without the Senate. But now suddenly his fight against ISIS is crippled by Congress.

All this gets even funnier when you recall that Obama had no idea what kind of authorization he wanted. He seesawed between demanding that Congress withdraw the Iraq War authorization and give him a new one, then he bombed ISIS using the same authorization and since then he tried to demand some sort of confusing messy authorization that in theory restricts his actions, but really lets him do anything he wants.

The only possible purpose for such a thing is to try and redirect blame for his own failures on Congress.

How badly does Obama want that authorization? This badly [3].

Senators from both parties pressed Secretary of State John Kerry Tuesday on the White House’s reticence to put forth a proposal for the fight against the Islamic State.

And while Kerry defended the administration’s refusal to outline the confines of the conflict, he also took issue with the boundaries imposed by congressional proposals. If you didn’t want Congress micromanaging the war, the senators responded, you should have told us what you wanted in the first place.

Sure. Obama wants this authorization really badly. You can tell.

“I really want this authorization so much that I won’t tell you what should be in it, will go on fighting without it, and then blame you for not giving it to me or giving me the wrong one.”

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