Author Topic: Who Trey Gowdy Is Forcing to Testify Is HILLARY’S WORST NIGHTMARE  (Read 502 times)

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Who Trey Gowdy Is Forcing to Testify Is HILLARY’S WORST NIGHTMARE

By TPIWriter |  0 views


By the time conservative hero and former prosecutor Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) is finished with Hillary Clinton, she will wish she had never entered politics. Rowdy’s House Select Committee on Benghazi, which he chairs, is methodically taking apart her biggest failure as Obama’s Secretary of State, while exposing her corruption to the world!

The committee announced its plan to issue a subpoena to Sidney Blumenthal, a long-time Clinton operative who assisted Hillary as Secretary of State while also working at the Clinton Foundation. Interestingly, at the same time he was working with Hillary and frequently contacting her through her secret email address, he had major business interests in Libya!

The new report, which was first printed in the New York Times, described the private interview the committee will conduct. They are determined to get to the truth!

Here are just a few things Sidney sent to Hillary during that time:


* That Libyan rebels were considering hiring security contractors (April 2011)
* The threat of a terrorist attack in response to the killing of Osama bin Laden (2011-2012)

* The role of a business partner advising the new Libyan prime minister (January 2012)

* Warning forwarded to incoming Ambassador Chris Stevens, one of the four killed in the Benghazi terrorist attack (September 2012)

* Libyan prime minister wants a better relationship with Israel (August 2012)


Here is the business venture Sidney Blumenthal was involved in at the time, which ultimately failed. It looks fishy:


The projects — creating floating hospitals to treat Libya’s war wounded and temporary housing for displaced people, and building schools — would have required State Department permits, but foundered before the business partners could seek official approval.
It is not clear whether Mrs. Clinton or the State Department knew of Mr. Blumenthal’s interest in pursuing business in Libya; a State Department spokesman declined to say. Many aspects of Mr. Blumenthal’s involvement in the planned Libyan venture remain unclear. He declined repeated requests to discuss it.

You know you can count on Trey Gowdy to examine every detail of this, especially since these conversations were part of the thousands of emails that Hillary deleted on her private server before investigators could sort through them.

Four Americans – including an American ambassador – needlessly died in an easily avoidable terrorist attack. And now we may learn everything that happened during the cover up.

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