Author Topic: Al Jazeera’s Qatar Deals w/Negative Slavery Coverage by Arresting Journalists  (Read 332 times)

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Al Jazeera’s Qatar Deals w/Negative Slavery Coverage by Arresting Journalists

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 19, 2015 @ 9:02 am In The Point | 3 Comments

osama bin laden al jazeera [1]

After Al Jazeera’s participation in the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Egypt, the media has been whining about the sentences handed out to some of its participants in the Brotherhood’s war against Egypt.

Meanwhile its Qatari bosses are brutally shutting down negative media coverage of its slave labor work for the World Cup, as Ronn Torossian reports [2].

On Monday, the BBC reported a story which noted that several of their journalists spent two days in jail for the crime of reporting the truth about the poor conditions under which migrant workers are treated in Qatar.  The journalists were told they were being held due to “national security,” and were also told: “This is not Disneyland – You can’t stick your camera anywhere.”

Will this get a fraction of the sympathy and coverage that the Al Jazeera arrests did?

Al Jazeera is not a news network. It’s the propaganda network for the Qatari royals. And Qatar not only uses slave labor, it sponsors terrorism. Al Jazeera came to the attention of most Americans with its role broadcasting Al Qaeda exclusives.

But Qatar has a history with Al Qaeda, ISIS and Hamas. And while Al Jazeera whines about press freedom, its bosses remind us of what press freedom looks like in Qatar.


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