Author Topic: Dem Senate Candidate Loretta Sanchez Apologizes for Racially Insensitive Remark  (Read 496 times)

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Dem Senate Candidate Loretta Sanchez Apologizes for Racially Insensitive Remark

By Emily Zanotti on 5.18.15 | 2:26PM

Last week, one of California's potential Democratic Senate candidates, Kamala Harris, was revealed to have an aide operating a secret police force right under her nose. This week, the other choice, Loretta Sanchez is in trouble for racial insensitivity after a video of her making a gesture offensive to Elizabeth Warren (among other members of our Native American population) surfaced.

The video, which was filmed at a Democratic convention on Saturday, depicts Sanchez trying to answer the question of whether a group of "Indian American" supporters were, in fact, Native American or were immigrants from the Indian subcontinent. Sort of.

The video, which was shared on social media, shows Sanchez tapping her hand over her open mouth and making a whooping sound while speaking to a group of delegates Saturday.

Sanchez’s rival, Attorney General Kamala Harris, called the gesture “shocking.”

Sanchez made the gesture while talking about her confusion over whether a potential campaign support, who had referred himself as from the “Indian American community,” was Native American or South Asian descent.

Sanchez told reporters afterward that American Indians have a “great presence in our country and many of them are supporting our election.”

Unfortuantely for Loretta Sanchez, her rival, Kamala Harris, has a mother who is an immigrant from the Indian subcontinent. So aside from revealing herself to be somewhat of a racist, she also teed up a perfect, totally justified response on the part of her opponent.

Loretta Sanchez only entered the race on Thursday, right before the convention, which means, it's still very early in her career, running for the Senate seat vacated by the retiring Barbara Boxer. She's clearly off to a roaring start.
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John and Ken on kfi640am out of L.A. do shows about her. They give everyone a warning to get all pets out of the room before they play her speaking.