Author Topic: Affirmative Action Firefighter Refuses to Fight Fires  (Read 311 times)

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Affirmative Action Firefighter Refuses to Fight Fires
« on: May 18, 2015, 10:21:32 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Affirmative Action Firefighter Refuses to Fight Fires

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 17, 2015 @ 12:01 pm In The Point | 34 Comments

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Some time ago, the left decided that it really needed to destroy/diversify New York’s FDNY. Since the fire department had too many Irish and Italian men on it, they decided to force it to become more diverse. The process went badly.

The FDNY was the way that it was naturally. The ‘diverse’ slate couldn’t pass written tests. Female candidates couldn’t pass physical tests. But the bar was lowered anyway and they were swept in, with predictably disastrous results [2].

Michael D. Johnson won’t fight fires. Instead he stays on the sidelines as his Engine Co. 257 colleagues rush into burning buildings, FDNY insiders told The Post.

Nicknamed “Tragic Johnson” by rank and file, he’s managed to evade the smoke and flames several times since joining the Canarsie, Brooklyn, firehouse last year, sources confirmed.

The latest fright unfolded April 2 at a three-alarm blaze on East 78th Street, when Johnson’s irked captain radioed a “mayday” after discovering Johnson was AWOL, sources said. He had been assigned as “backup” to the nozzle man carrying the hose into the burning two-story building.

That left just two firefighters — the first and a third — to haul the heavy hose up a long staircase and spray water on the flames.

A photo obtained by The Post shows Johnson at the curb next to a FDNY vehicle while fellow firefighters march up steps into a house engulfed in black smoke.

“It can’t be ignored,” another department source said of the probie firefighter’s repeated absences. “If they ignore it, some civilian will end up injured or killed, or a fireman will be injured or killed.”

But department members are afraid to openly complain or criticize Johnson, who is black, because he was hired under a court order to increase minority hiring in the FDNY.

Everyone, including Johnson, knows how this is going to end. Since he’s incapable of doing the job and he can’t be fired, he’ll be promoted. Look for this guy to be giving in orders a few years from now and receiving some sort of award from civil rights groups in a decade.

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[2] with predictably disastrous results: