Author Topic: Obama: ISIS a “Fantasy That Can’t Function in the World”  (Read 308 times)

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Obama: ISIS a “Fantasy That Can’t Function in the World”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 17, 2015 @ 11:34 pm In The Point | 9 Comments

Obama_DelusionalFantasyO [1]

According to Obama, his administration does have something in common [2] with ISIS.

Obama said it’s important “we maintain a proper perspective,” on the Islamic State, describing it as a “death cult or a entirely backward-looking fantasy that can’t function in the world.”

So it’s just like ObamaCare.

Except that ISIS seems to be more effective than Obama. But then again so was Stalin. When you can kill anyone you want, things tend to get done. For a while anyway.

Is a Socialist really going to lecture ISIS on fantasy governments that can’t function in the world? Last I checked, much of the country is out of work, the national debt is so high it’s beyond unsustainable and the only reason the country hasn’t collapsed is that oil is cheap.

“When you look at ISIL, it has no governing strategy,” Obama said Sunday in an interview on CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS. “It can talk about setting up the new caliphate, but nobody is under any illusions that they can actually in a sustained way feed people or educate people or organize a society that would work.”

So it’s more like California then?

But what difference does it make. And I don’t ask that in a Hillary sort of way. ISIS isn’t winning because it has good government. The whole idea that we needed a good government on the ground to win over people was a crazy COIN delusion that got a lot of soldiers killed. And not much else.

ISIS simply kills people. It governs because it has the guns. Like the left.

The only plan is to keep expanding, seizing more territory, looting it, etc. To a prog it doesn’t sound like much of a plan, but the USSR and Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan all made use of it.

You don’t need government if you have warlords. Just ask Genghis Khan.

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