Author Topic: American Natives Ask UN to End U.S. “Occupation”  (Read 331 times)

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American Natives Ask UN to End U.S. “Occupation”
« on: May 17, 2015, 09:57:44 pm »
American Natives Ask UN to End U.S. “Occupation”

 Alex Newman
 The New American
 May 16th, 2015
Editor’s note: Admittedly, the way our government has mistreated the Indians, from murder and smallpox blankets to reservations to sterilizing their women in mass in the last century are horrible, evil crimes against humanity. However, things have to be disturbingly wrong when these Americans turn to the dictators club…er United Nations of all places to complain about the United States… Oh, the sad, sad irony.


A mysterious “human rights” coalition purporting to speak for Native Americans in Alaska and Hawaiian natives is demanding an end to what it calls the U.S. “occupation” of those states — and it is asking for United Nations and hostile foreign powers to intervene to help secure independence from the United States. The UN and the Obama administration have, in recent years especially, stepped up their “indigenous peoples” campaign to attack liberty. And analysts say the implications of the developments should be troubling to all Americans.

The bizarre demand for UN and foreign government intervention comes as the Kremlin and Communist Beijing have taken an active interest in American secession movements. Senior military hawks serving the brutal regime ruling mainland China have even threatened to arm Hawaiian separatists, according to news reports and experts. Meanwhile, the pro-secession Texas Nationalist Movement was in Moscow late last year for a summit bringing together separatist leaders from around the world — primarily leftists and other revolutionaries.

The most recent news about the Alaskan and Hawaiian natives seeking UN help to “liberate” them from U.S. “occupation” was first reported by the Kremlin-run TASS news agency before being picked up by state-backed Russian broadcaster RT in English. According to secessionist leaders quoted in reports, the U.S. government has “illegally occupied” their homelands since at least 1959. And so, the groups planned to raise the issue with the UN during a “human rights review” of the United States conducted by the widely ridiculed “dictators club.”

Self-styled leaders of the native secessionist movements in the two U.S. states blasted American policy on everything from the environment to world affairs. “In 1959 Alaska and Hawaii were seized by the U.S. as a result of deception and deliberate violation of the UN mandate and principles, and self-determination process,” the alliance of Hawaiian and Alaskan natives said in a statement. “The UN can correct this error.” The group raised similar issues with the UN in 2010 but went largely unnoticed.

(read more at The New American)
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