Author Topic: Iran Humiliating Obama by Escalating Gulf Piracy During Summit  (Read 287 times)

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Iran Humiliating Obama by Escalating Gulf Piracy During Summit

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 14, 2015 @ 1:14 pm In The Point | 58 Comments

obama-iran [1]

It’s hard to tell who is crazier and more self-destructive; Obama or Iran.

Iran’s latest gimmick is to launch attacks on foreign shipping [2] under the pretext of ‘legal disputes’ to lay claim to the Persian Gulf, potentially shutting off shipping. After an attack on a Marshall’s Island vessel, Iran targeted a Singapore flagged ship.

Five Iranian boats fired shots across the bow of a Singapore flagged cargo vessel in the Persian Gulf on Thursday in an attempt to potentially stop the ship, a U.S. official told CNN. For the first time, the incident brought another Persian Gulf nation into the recent rising maritime tensions in the region.

The incident began when five small fast boats, believed to be manned by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy approached the cargo vessel just off the coast of the United Arab Emirates but in international water, the official said.

These Iranian boats are typically manned with smaller caliber weapons such as machine guns.

The Iranian boats fired across the bow, and at that point the cargo vessel turned and escaped by entering into UAE territorial waters, according to initial U.S. military reports of the incident. The UAE sent three of its coast guard boats out to the cargo vessel.

The incident began with the Iranians ordering the ship into Iranian waters. When the ships master refused, the Iranians began to fire in a way to try to disable the ship, not just as warning shots, the U.S. official said.

This is straightforward piracy, but Obama Inc. is as usual taking the Iranian side [3].

Iran appeared to be trying to intercept a Singapore-flagged commercial ship on Thursday in order to settle a legal dispute, a U.S. official told Reuters, saying the Alpine Eternity reportedly hit an Iranian-owned oil platform in March.

“Iran claims that the vessel is liable for damages to the oil platform,” the official told Reuters, saying that incident took place on March 22.

Right. At some point Iran will attack a US carrier and claim that it’s a legal dispute.

But this attack comes during Obama’s Gulf summit in which he tries to sell his nuclear sellout to the Gulf Arabs. Iran is very deliberately humiliating him and discrediting his already discredited summit.

As in Yemen, the point here is power and influenced gained by discrediting the United States as a regional power able to protect anyone, forcing them to instead make arrangements with Iran. But the only reason Iran is able to do this sort of thing is because Obama is providing cover for them. The more Iran destroys Obama’s credibility, the more it undermines its own freedom of action.

Especially with regard to its nuclear program.

But Iran’s leaders, for all their cunning, don’t speak that language. They still think of Obama as embodying America. If Obama is weak, America is weak. And if America is weak, they’re destined to win.

Unfortunately most of the region also speaks that language.

Meanwhile Obama has decided that he will back the nuclear sellout no matter what Iran does, justifying each act of appeasement by arguing that if Iran is offended, it will leave the negotiating table.

Iran responds by slapping Obama harder. And he argues that this just proves that it’s vital to get his deal through so Iran doesn’t go nuclear.

You see dysfunctional relationships like this in clinics. Iran is pushing harder and harder. Obama is retreating faster and faster. If this system destabilizes enough, the already unpopular deal collapses.

Obama can’t sell a nuclear deal if Iran is firing on US Navy ships. He needs to prevent Iran from going that far and he can’t, because he’s in full appeasement mode. So as usual, it’s up to the Islamic terrorists to save us from the stupidity and appeasement of their leaders by showing everyone just how violent and hateful they really are. And Iran appears to be on track to deliver.

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