Author Topic: Obama Offers “Ironclad Commitment” That Iran is Already Violating  (Read 278 times)

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Obama Offers “Ironclad Commitment” That Iran is Already Violating

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 14, 2015 @ 10:10 pm In The Point | 9 Comments

3dollarobama [1]

What is an Obama ironclad commitment worth? If you dumped a hundred of them at the 99 cent store, you could get plenty of change back. Obama has gotten used to a domestic media environment in which he can constantly tell crazy lies and get away with it.

Obama’s Gulf summit was theater. The Gulf Arabs showed him what they thought of that theater. So did Iran [2]. But Obama just keeps on going [3].

Barack Obama pledged America’s “ironclad commitment” to anxious Persian Gulf nations Thursday to help protect their security, pointedly mentioning the potential use of military force and offering assurances that a potential nuclear agreement with Iran would not leave them more vulnerable.

At the close of a rare summit at the presidential retreat at Camp David, Obama said the U.S. would join the Gulf Cooperation Council nations “to deter and confront an external threat to any GCC state’s territorial integrity.”

Let’s just stop there.

Iran is currently attacking vessels traveling through international waters. The UAE is actually doing the job America won’t do in protecting international vessels under attack by Iran.

The latest attack happened during Obama’s summit.

Iran’s Shiite Houthis took over a big chunk of Yemen. That’s Saudi Arabia’s backyard. Despite official statements, Obama kept pressuring them to stop bombing while parroting Iran’s truce talking points.

This happened before the summit.

At some point Obama stopped being a politician who occasionally lied and became a lying machine that never told the truth. This syncs neatly with the domestic priorities of the media, but doesn’t convince anyone outside the bubble.

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[1] Image:

[2] o did Iran:

[3] Obama just keeps on going: