Author Topic: Muslims are the Fastest Growing Religious Group in America  (Read 535 times)

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Muslims are the Fastest Growing Religious Group in America

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 12, 2015 @ 10:06 pm In The Point | 3 Comments

The focus of the coverage on the latest Pew religion survey has been the rise of the unaffiliated, a predictable outcome of the left’s death grip on education and culture. We can look at Europe and see what the consequences of that culture lead to.

While just about every religious group, especially Christians, have declined as a share of the population, the population share of Muslims  doubled from 2007 to 2014 [1].

demographic jihad [2]

The real demographic explosive potential can be seen in the age breakdowns [3]. Population replacement can take a while to sneak up on you because of long life expectancies. A city can be nearly Muslim when looking at the under twenties while it still appears Western when looking at the overall picture that includes the elderly. That’s a common problem in Europe that masks the demographic reality.

Due to polygamy, honor killing enforced arranged marriages backed by domestic abuse, Muslims have the youngest population of any religious group.

muslim us demos [4]

While there are some resemblances to Buddhists and Hindus, two groups that have fewer elderly due to a population weighed more heavily toward recent immigrants, the younger spike is more characteristically Muslim. If there were a further breakdown for children, Muslims would stand out even more explosively.

Muslim settler gender composition in the US is 65 percent male to 35 percent female. These are unnatural numbers created by the migration of young men, who have to either marry and convert a native wife here or import a Muslim woman from abroad.


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[1] doubled from 2007 to 2014:

[2] Image:

[3] in the age breakdowns:

[4] Image: