Author Topic: De Blasio’s Pro-Crime Policies Turning Central Park Back into Mugger Park  (Read 519 times)

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De Blasio’s Pro-Crime Policies Turning Central Park Back into Mugger Park

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 12, 2015 @ 11:37 am In The Point | 27 Comments

There was a time when New York City’s Central Park was a no-go zone, a great place to get mugged or raped, especially once the sun set.

Now under a pro-crime mayor who openly identifies with the racist pro-crime #BlackLivesMatter movement and its war against police officers and crime victims, Central Park is turning back into Mugger Park [2].

A 19-year-old Manhattan woman was robbed in Central Park Sunday night, making her the third robbery victim in the iconic park over the weekend, cops said Monday.

The teenager was walking south on East Drive near 110th St. when she was approached by a man in his 20s who told her he had a knife and demanded her wallet, police said. Law enforcement sources said he also grabbed the woman’s arms.

The frightened woman handed over her wallet and the mugger ran away toward 110th St. Cops said she never saw the knife.

The suspect, described as being Hispanic, 5-foot-4 and wearing cargo shorts and a red sweatshirt with his hair in a bun, got away with her identification, money and credit cards, cops said.

The mugging followed two other robberies in the park over the weekend.

Earlier Sunday, a 45-year-old man was choked and robbed at gunpoint along the 79th St. Transverse near Central Park West.

A day earlier, about 9:30 p.m. Saturday a group of men and women attacked a couple in a playground near the 65th St. Transverse, cops said.

The latter group are being called ‘hoodlums’ [3] because ‘thugs’ is now off limits. But soon ‘hoodlums’ will also be declared a racial slur.

Nearly a dozen bandits — one armed with the stun gun and another with a knife — ganged up on a 20-year-old man and 17-year-old girl sitting in a playground at 62nd St. and West Drive around 7:30 p.m., police said.

The unidentified female was punched in the face and sustained minor injuries before the thugs fled with two cell phones, authorities said.

The “T” word [4].

The suspects are described as a female Hispanic, about 5’5″ and 135 pounds, and a black male, about 6’0″ and 210 pounds.

But don’t worry. The park is safe.

Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said he’s not concerned. “Those events of those incidents, no relationship to each other. Every one in a while you have that aberration. That park remains one of the safest places in America,” said Bratton.

And there’s your 80s flashback.

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[2] Central Park is turning back into Mugger Park:

[3] latter group are being called ‘hoodlums’:

[4] The “T” word: