Author Topic: Stop your whinging: why the Left are such bad losers  (Read 658 times)

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Stop your whinging: why the Left are such bad losers
« on: May 12, 2015, 02:49:32 pm »
 I’m pretty sure that the best moment of Ed Miliband’s election actually came shortly after he resigned, when he turned up at the Cenotaph to take part in the VE Day ceremony.

Here was a man who had just seen his career destroyed, a man who probably hadn’t slept for two days, and yet he still managed to put on a clean suit and make peace with his political enemy to pay tribute to the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives in the Second World War. The Sun called this moment "awkward", but I actually thought it was pretty awesome, a sign of all that is great about Britain and its traditions. It was just a shame that so many other members of the Left didn’t share his dignity in defeat.

Less than 24 hours later, anti-Tory protestors had desecrated the Women of World War Two memorial on Whitehall. “F*** Tory Scum” was the charming note left in red graffiti. Laurie Penny, a darling of the Left, tweeted that she didn’t have a problem with the vandalism – she argued that the real vandals were sitting in Downing Street, breaking up the welfare state.

Elsewhere on social media, Labour supporters spent much of Friday laying in to anyone who had voted Conservative. “Who are these ***** who voted Tory?” wrote one friend on Facebook. “To the selfish morons who voted for Cameron et al: I hope you are proud of yourselves,” wrote another. “I hope you enjoy your slightly lower taxes, you shameless, shameless human beings.”

Meanwhile, at the Baftas, a series of stinking rich actors in expensive frocks and suits lamented the return of the Tories before heading off to drink champagne at a lavish after party. And speaking of champagne, a picture of a man delivering a zillion crates of Moet to number 11 Downing Street started to go viral. “Tory austerity in all its glory” was the gist of the accompanying commentary.

Except the picture was taken in 2004, and the champagne was being delivered to Gordon Brown (anyone who has been to Downing Street in the last five years knows full well that they’re only allowed to serve wine that tastes like cat’s urine).

But the keyboard warriors didn’t have time to answer charges of hypocrisy. They were too busy bashing out angry tweets about the fact that only 37 per cent voted Tory, that a different voting system is needed – perhaps something similar to the one in place in, say, North Korea, that would only allow the British public to take part in the ballot if they happen to be left of centre.

Of course, proportional representation would still have given us a Tory government – just one in coalition with Ukip. Is that what the people marching on Westminster want?

And do they not remember the referendum for an alternative vote system four years ago, the one that the British public rejected out of hand? Have they forgotten the Labour victory of 2005, when the party only got 36 per cent of the vote? Where were the angry placards then? Where were the marches and protests and furious online campaigns for electoral reform? I’m guessing they were all buried under a massive pile of self-righteousness.

This caterwauling about the process being undemocratic is breathtaking in its glibness; it is the kind of thing that would get a politician lynched (and how unusual that the politicians have been more honourable in defeat than many of their supporters). Because the really undemocratic thing here is the process of trying to bully and silence people who happen to have opinions that differ from yours. It is screaming and shouting that everyone should use their democratic right to vote, and then boohooing when they use their democratic right to vote for a party you don’t happen to like.

I don’t think it is Tory voters who should feel shy and ashamed – it is Labour voters, and I write that as one of them. (Please don’t think badly of me; we have a very good Labour MP where I live in south London.)

Writing off 11.3 million people as nothing more than Tory scum is both insulting and arrogant. But then perhaps it is merely a symptom of the blinkers that social media has put on us.

When you live your life on Twitter and Facebook, and are only friends with like minded people on Twitter and Facebook, you are not living in the real world. You are living in a narcissistic echo chamber. No wonder it has come as such a surprise to so many that not everyone shares the same world view.

There is something profoundly cruel about vilifying a person for their democratic choices. When normal people become targets instead of politicians, something has gone very wrong. This then is the real politics of fear and hatred. It is espoused not by the Right, but the Left. And the people who are going to make the next five years truly unbearable are not the ones who make up the democratically elected government, but the ones who desecrate war memorials and spit bile at anyone who dares to think differently from them.

Putting this here because, although it is UK centric, the observations are universal.
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Re: Stop your whinging: why the Left are such bad losers
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2015, 03:05:58 pm »
Cleta's Clairvoyance Ex-Sooner Mitchell Explains 'Demthink'

Oklahoman Published: November 24, 2000
AS a former Democrat, Cleta Deatherage Mitchell certainly knows the nature of the beast.

Mitchell, who as a Democrat represented District 44 in the Oklahoma House of Representatives from 1977-85, has been reborn as a Washington-based attorney and Republican spokeswoman, commenting on the Florida election morass on MSNBC and on the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal.

In Monday's Journal, Mitchell penned an excellent primer on the way Democrats think - "Demthink" we'll call it - that explains much of what is unfolding in Florida. There, Vice President Al Gore and his functionaries are turning state law on its ear trying to erase Republican George W. Bush's slim lead.

Mitchell cites three tenets to "Demthink," the most important of which is: "If we don't win, we don't eat." By that she means control of government functions linked to jobs, contracts, union negotiations and courtroom procedures is tantamount to "getting or keeping a livelihood."

To win, Mitchell writes, Democrats flock to state courts because judges there often are elected on partisan ballots and rules allow those courts to be more malleable. Democrats also seek to dominate the rule-making and rule-enforcing apparatus because they know "processes will almost always dictate the outcome."

Hence the spate of Democratic-sponsored lawsuits in Florida's state courts, and attempts by Gore's legal team to bend and even rewrite state election law to put their man on top.

"Democrats are elated that Republicans don't know or function under the same ideas," she writes. "If Republicans... don't commit themselves to learning and practicing the art of political war, as well as its natural extension in the courtroom, there may not be much of a GOP to kick around anymore in the future."

"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: Stop your whinging: why the Left are such bad losers
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2015, 03:08:55 pm »
"If we don't win, we don't eat."

There's the answer! In a nutshell!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: Stop your whinging: why the Left are such bad losers
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2015, 08:43:55 pm »
Putting this here because, although it is UK centric, the observations are universal.

Congrats EC. 

I almost corrected the spelling of whining, but I guess that is how they spell it in your part of the world.  I wish you guys would speak "American."

I am curious if you think fear from terrorism played a significant role in the conservative victory in the UK?   

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Re: Stop your whinging: why the Left are such bad losers
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2015, 11:54:40 pm »
Not a significant role in the victory, I don't think. It was mainly economic - we're hurting over here a LOT more than the press lets on - and a significant worry over the impact and influence Europe has on our day to day lives. As I said in another thread, the Eastern European influx is causing problems - everything from tradesmen out of business to scrap metal thefts to overburdening the already overburdened NHS - and we can't do a damned thing about it due to the free movement clause. They are here legally. UKIP, for all it's many faults, brought that into the conversation and made it "permissible" to complain about.

Terrorism, no. Terror attacks are a novel thing for the USA. For us it's Tuesday, as far as the nation goes. We had the IRA bombing and shooting on mainland UK for years - aren't going to worry over much about a bunch of Muslims. Throw in the fact that we actually trust our security services far more than the US does and it reduces the impact a lot.

To give a small personal example: I was teaching a class during the rocket attack on 10 Downing Street, and the school was less than a mile from the attack. It was a chemistry class, bunch of 13 year olds being as quiet as they tend to be in a place they don't want to be! Heard the explosions, then the sirens. The lab tech turned on the radio in the prep room to get the news and .... that was it. No panic, no close the school and send the boys home, and I even walked along the back of 10 Downing Street later in the day to catch the train home with no problem.

We learned a long time ago that the best response to terrorists, as a united people, is to simply ignore them and carry on with our daily business. The sods hate that.  :shrug:
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Re: Stop your whinging: why the Left are such bad losers
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2015, 02:43:00 am »
We learned a long time ago that the best response to terrorists, as a united people, is to simply ignore them and carry on with our daily business. The sods hate that.  :shrug:

Thank you for the reply.  I guess Brazil(1985) by Terry Gilliam was less parody and more documentary.  There is a very different mindset in America with regard to terrorism and I think it could color our next elections, but maybe not as much as our latest race riots.