Author Topic: Fearmongering: DHS Latest Attempt to Keep the Public in Fear, Claim Lone-Wolf Attacks Could Happen Any Day Now  (Read 323 times)

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Fearmongering: DHS Latest Attempt to Keep the Public in Fear, Claim Lone-Wolf Attacks Could Happen Any Day Now

 Mass Privatei
 May 11th, 2015
Editor’s Note: There’s a reason some people refer to it as “Homeland Security Theater.”

dhs homeland security theater

DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson said Sunday that the United States is facing a new era in which a lone-wolf terrorist could “strike at any moment.”

Keeping the American public in fear is what It’s all about. We can’t have DHS/police budgets dry up right Mr. Johnson?

“We’re very definitely in a new environment, because of ISIL’s effective use of social media, the Internet, which has the ability to reach into the homeland and possibly inspire others,” Johnson said in an interview with ABC’s “This Week,” using the administration’s preferred acronym for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“Because of the use of the Internet, we could have little or no notice in advance of an independent actor attempting to strike.” (source)

As a result, Johnson said, the federal government is making a greater effort to engage with state and local law enforcement and encourage them to be “vigilant” about what is happening in their communities.

This last statement proves two things, one DHS and our police are one entity and two they’re complicit in using another false-flag to scare the public. Remember this is the very same DHS that lied and claimed malls were being targeted by ISIS when their budget was under attack.

Later DHS had to admit there were no credible threats to ANY malls in America.
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