Author Topic: Time Mag: Hillary Clinton is “One of America’s Greatest Creations”  (Read 411 times)

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Time Mag: Hillary Clinton is “One of America’s Greatest Creations”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 11, 2015 @ 11:33 am In The Point | 31 Comments

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A Soviet anecdote.

Brezhnev is lying at the beach surrounded by Communist Party flatterers, each one trying to outdo the other in praising his genius. Finally he gets tired, sends them away and lies down on his face to rest. A dog comes up and begins licking his bottom. Without turning around he says, “Now really comrades, that’s a bit much.”

In entirely unrelated news, Time magazine declares Hillary Clinton [2], “One of America’s Greatest Creations.” I suppose she’s right up there with the Declaration of Independence, the Empire State Building and the airplane.

“Hillary Clinton is not familiar. She is revolutionary. Not radical, but revolutionary: the distinction is crucial. She is one of America’s greatest modern creations. Her decades in our public life must not blind us to the fact that she represents new realities and possibilities.”

— Laurene Powell Jobs writing the tribute to Clinton after Time chose the presidential candidate as one of the world’s “100 Most Influential People,” April 27-May 4 double issue.

Laurene Powell Jobs, another of America’s Greatest Creations, is the widow of Steve Jobs. She and Hillary have the same claim to fame. They both married men who became famous. It’s fitting to have Steve Jobs’ wife pay tribute to Bill Clinton’s wife as revolutionary.

What makes Hillary Clinton revolutionary and one of America’s greatest creations?

“This helps explain why she has been so effective, even in this golden age of polarization. Hillary knows how to draw opponents out of their fighting corners and forge solutions on common ground. She practices the politics of reconciliation and reason. Which, not coincidentally, is also the politics of progress.”

What solutions has Hillary forged? In what ways has been effective? Whom did she reconcile with? Putin? Who really cares.

It’s time we all acknowledged that Bill Clinton’s wife who got her political positions before of her husband is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Maybe even greater.

Why limit Hillary Clinton to being America’s greatest creation? Why not the world’s greatest creation? Or the greatest being that ever existed in the universe?

Let’s take a few lessons from Brezhnev [3] here.

A loom operator from a woolen goods factory spoke of the leader’s ”colossal experience of life, his wisdom of state and vast spiritual wealth.”

Another member of the party apparatus, no proponent of understatement, called the party leader ”the man who has become like a banner of freedom, happiness, justice and progress on all continents.”

A number of visitors were equally adoring. Marcelino dos Santos of Mozambique called Mr. Brezhnev ”the wise leader of the Soviet people and outstanding figure of the international Communist movement.”

Mr. Aliyev, who may have hoped to be promoted this morning from nonvoting to voting membership in the Politburo, but was not, said Mr. Brezhnev was ”a tireless struggler for peace on the planet” and praised his ”shining organizational skills” and his ”bubbling activity” on behalf of the Soviet people.

Mr. Brezhnev sat impassive through six and a half days of speeches, never smiling or acknowledging in any way the kudos heaped on him.

Remember when the New York Times mocked Communists for acting like this? Now we’ve got a banana republic in which Evita Jobs praises the genius of Evita Clinton in the hopes of nailing down some sort of ambassadorship in the pages of Time Magazine.

Really comrades, isn’t this a bit much?

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[1] Image:

[2] Time magazine declares Hillary Clinton:

[3] a few lessons from Brezhnev: