Author Topic: Life-saving Photo: Rockford mom discovers her son's cancer  (Read 494 times)

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A Rockford mother's cell phone turned out to be life-saving. A simple picture changed her 2-year-old son's life.

Avery Fitzgerald is a pretty typical 2-year-old following after his older brother and jumping on the couch when his mother isn't watching. But his mom noticed something was different about her youngest son.

"Probably a couple months I would notice when I was looking at Avery in a light I would see something in the back of his eye," says Julie Fitzgerald, Avery's mother.

Julie started to wonder what it could be and went online and read an article about a woman who saw a white eye in photos of relatives instead of the normal red eye and it turned out to be cancer. Julie told the story to her husband Patrick. He says he told her it was nothing. But Julie couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong.

"I took a picture and I did not want to take the picture because I had this dreaded feeling in the pit of my stomach and I took the picture and boom. His whole pupil was just white and that's when I knew," Julie says.

That was three weeks ago. Julie took Avery to a specialist who gave them the news.

"He took one look and said there are multiple, multiple tumors," Julie says.