Author Topic: DHS Approves Amnesty Applications Despite Court Order  (Read 293 times)

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DHS Approves Amnesty Applications Despite Court Order
« on: May 11, 2015, 10:38:52 am »
DHS Approves Amnesty Applications Despite Court Order

Joshua Krause
 The Daily Sheeple
 May 9th, 2015

After President Obama announced his amnesty plan in November of last year, 26 states filed a lawsuit against the federal government for failing to uphold their own immigration laws. The case was taken to federal court, where Judge Andrew Hanen issued an injunction against the plan on February 16th, ordering the federal government to stop their amnesty roll out. Despite the Justice Department’s assurances that the plan had not been implemented, it was later discovered that the Department of Homeland Security had already started to issue 3 year deferrals to over 100,000 illegal aliens.

Last Thursday, Obama’s lawyers admitted to an additional breach of the law. Homeland Security had approved over 2,000 applications for 3 year work permits, after Judge Hanen’s injunction. This means that the administration had been lying to Congress, when they claimed to be in compliance with the injunction. To their credit, Obama’s lawyers sounded super sorry about this “mistake” and stated “the government sincerely regrets these circumstances and is taking immediate steps to remedy these erroneous three-year terms.” Time will tell if they are lying once again.

What’s most troubling, is not the blatant disregard of our nation’s immigration laws and court procedures, but the fact that they can get away with it over and over again. If the DOJ, DHS, and the Obama administration are capable of ignoring our laws, then there should be no remaining doubts about the legitimacy our government.
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