Author Topic: Baltimore Police Obtained Arrest Warrant For Lunch Lady And Plumber In Death Of Freddie Gray  (Read 312 times)

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Baltimore Police Obtained Arrest Warrant For Lunch Lady And Plumber In Death Of Freddie Gray

Posted By Casey Harper On 11:10 AM 05/05/2015 In | No Comments

Baltimore police accidentally obtained arrest warrants Friday for a lunch lady and plumber in connection to the death of Freddie Gray — whose passing went on to spark protests, riots and looting.

Alicia White and Brian Rice were listed in the original arrest warrant regarding the death of Freddie Gray, but police put the wrong address, middle initial and driver’s license number in the warrant, instead of listing the information of officers in their own department, the Baltimore Sun reports.

The clerical error led to a flood of calls from media and bail bondsmen. (RELATED: Inside The Riots: Violence, Fire and Robbery As Crooks Attack Reporters)

Jeremy Eldridge, the lawyer for the White who is not a police officer, said she has had visits to her house and that the mistake could have put her in real danger. He said the event has caused her stress-related health problems and forced her to delete her social media accounts.

“Her life has been a living hell the past four days,” Eldridge told the Baltimore Sun. “In light of the violence and emotion our city has seen, to not send someone out and tell her, ‘Hey, we issued a warrant for you by mistake’ is unreal.”

Rice the plumber’s lawyer has declined to speak with media. The mistake has since been corrected.

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