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Two shot near Garland events center
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:52:48 am »

Must be the Amish acting up again!  :shrug:


Two men were shot in a parking lot outside the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland Sunday afternoon, SWAT officials told News 8.

Those men possibly had explosives on them, SWAT officials said. Everyone at the center, which was hosting a Muhammad Art exhibit, was told to find a safe place inside the building.

SWAT members were already at the scene for the art event.

« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 01:40:26 am by mrclose »
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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2015, 02:04:48 am »
Great graphic, Mr Close. Very amusing
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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2015, 06:01:55 am »

« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 06:19:26 am by mrclose »
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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2015, 09:37:51 am »
- WND - -

Police officer shot at 'Muhammad art contest' in Texas

Posted By Art Moore On 05/03/2015 @ 8:41 pm In Front Page,Politics,U.S. | No Comments

Geert Wilders speaking at the event Sunday night in Texas where a police officer was shot (WND photo)

GARLAND, Texas – An officer who was part of the heavy security for a free-speech event called the “Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest” featuring Dutch politician Geert Wilders was shot outside the building shortly after the event ended at approximately 7 p.m. Central Time.

Two suspects, who got out of their car and started shooting, were shot and killed by police. The injured officer, with the Garland Independent School District, was shot in the lower leg. Identified as Bruce Joiner, his injuries were not life threatening, and he was released from the hospital.

A SWAT officer told WND two suspects were “down,” but law-enforcement officers put a perimeter around them, fearing they may have had explosive devices in their car. Police helicopters continued to patrol as a Plano Police Department bomb squad worked on the scene, and a perimeter around the entire complex was still in place four hours after the incident.

Surrounding businesses, including a Walmart and an Academy store, were evacuated.

On Thursday, a Twitter account purporting to belong to Mohamed Abdullahi Hassan, an American jihadi reportedly fighting in Somalia, called for attacks to be carried out in the United States similar to the massacre of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists in Paris in January.

The following message accompanied a link to a story about the event in Garland Sunday night:

“The brothers from the Charlie hebdo attack did their part. It’s time for brothers in the #US to do their part.”

Geert Wilders’ documentary “Islam Rising: Geert Wilders’ Warning to the West” is available at WND’s Superstore

The event was hosted by the American Freedom Defense Initiative, led by author and Atlas Shrugs blogger Pamela Geller, and author and Jihad Watch Director Robert Spencer, who both were immediately whisked away after the shots were fired.

WND reached Spencer later for his reaction.

“This attack shows how much our event was needed,” he said. “The freedom of speech is under violent attack here in the U.S. now. We are at a crossroads as a nation now: Will we defend the freedom of speech or submit to violent intimidation?”

A local imam, Zia Sheikh, tweeted his dismay at the news.

“Shots fired at Pamela Geller event. The community stayed away from event. Seems like a lone wolf type of attack. Just what we didn’t want.”

Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott released a statement.

“Texas officials are actively investigating to determine the cause and scope of the senseless attack in Garland, Texas,” he said. “This is a crime that was quickly ended thanks to the swift action by Garland law enforcement. Our thoughts and prayers remain with all those affected tonight.”

SWAT officers prepare to escort media to their cars in Garland, Texas, Sunday night after an officer was shot at a Muhammad art event (WND photo)

Attendees, including this reporter, were moved to a secure location at the Curtis Culwell Center in suburban Dallas. After about 90 minutes, SWAT officers escorted media to their cars, which had been parked at a designated location. Attendees, however, were moved to another location away from the campus because police were still securing the main parking lot.

Wilders left the building with members of his permanent Dutch security detail before the shooting.

Later, he tweeted a photo showing him with members of the Garland SWAT team.

“Thank God the heroes of SWAT-team prevented the worst,” he said.

Before the event, a SWAT officer spoke to WND about the extraordinary security, which included a portable police tower, metal detectors at the entrance and a blockades outside.

“The reason why we have the security here is the reason why they would have it in France,” he said. “What would make you think it wouldn’t happen here?”

The event attendees sequestered in an arena at the center, which is owned by the Garland Independent School District, sang “God Bless America” and the national anthem as one attendee held up a U.S. flag. Two women then led in prayer for the injured officer, whose condition was unknown at the time.

A witness of the shooting, John Roby of Oklahoma City, told WND he was heading out to his car when he heard what sounded like automatic-weapon fire coming from a black vehicle on the street outside the center. Immediately, he heard two pistol shots, and a police officer screamed, “We’ve got the car, we’ve got the car.”

Roby said the shooters were headed east on Naaman Forest Road outside the center, and the car was stopped in the road.

Organizers of the Muhammad art event in Garland, Texas, estimate they spent $40,000 for extra security (WND photo)

‘Time for brothers to do their part’

The Curtis Culwell Center was the site of a Jan. 17 event one week after the Charlie Hebdo massacre, called “Stand With the Prophet in Honor and Respect.”

Muslim leaders in the U.S, reacting to the worldwide solidarity with the satirical newspaper that published cartoons of Islam’s founder, said they hoped the event would be the beginning of a “movement” to “defend Prophet Muhammad” and “defeat Islamophobia.”

A SWAT team member at the entrance to the ballroom where the Muhammad Art and Cartoon Contest was held Sunday in Garland, Texas (WND photo)

Two French-born Muslims carried out the Charlie Hebdo massacre, declaring their intent to “avenge the prophet.” Eleven Charlie Hebdo staff members were killed.

The event Sunday featured a keynote by Wilders, who is regarded by the organizers of “Stand With the Prophet” as one of the world’s worst fomenters of “Islamophobia.”

Wilders told the Texas crowd he doesn’t hate Muslims but believes Islam is an existential threat to Western civilization and the “Islamization” of the West, primarily through immigration, should be aggressively opposed.

He commended the approximately 200 people in attendance for standing for free speech, greeting them with the familiar slogan “Don’t mess with Texas.”

Geert Wilders speaks to a welcoming crowd Sunday night in Garland, Texas (WND photo).

“Everybody present here tonight deserves respect just for being here,” he said.

“The statement of every single person in this room is very clear,” said Wilders. “We will never allow barbarism. We will never allow Islam to rob us of our freedom of speech. Never.”

As WND reported Thursday, three U.S. congressmen urged Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson to deny Wilders a visa ahead of his visit to the U.S. this week, charging alleged ongoing “participation in inciting anti-Muslim aggression and violence.”

Wilders has been under constant security protection since November 2004, when two North African Muslims were accused of planning to murder him and another outspoken critic of Islam in the parliament, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. The Netherlands provides him with a security detail of up to six police officers, he wears a bulletproof vest, lives in a safe house and is escorted to work at the Dutch Parliament in an armored vehicle.

Free society at stake

Prior to the Garland event, artnet news editor Sarah Cascone wrote in a piece published by the Huffington Post that the Muhammad contest it “shameless Muslim-baiting.

Robert Spencer Sunday night in Garland, Texas (WND photo).

But Spencer contends that few people seem to grasp that the very foundation of what makes for a free society is at stake.

WND asked him before the event if there was a way to accomplish his aims without being so provocative.

“No,” he replied. “And the reason for that is because this has become the flashpoint for the defense of the freedom of speech. These cartoons are offensive to Islam, and there is a death penalty for those who blaspheme against Mohammad. The jihadis believe that these cartoons cross the line and those who draw them and publicize them have to be killed.

“If we believe in free speech in a free society, then we have to stand up for the right of people to offend Muslims or even subject Islam to mockery. If it were anything else, it would be the same,” he said.

He noted that after the Charlie Hebdo massacre, the jihadists went to a kosher supermarket and killed Jews.

“What have the Jews done to provoke the Muslims?” he asked. “They were Jews.”

Police surveillance tower set up on Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas, Sunday (WND photo).

“So, they’re supposed to stop being Jews, what next? Well, I suppose pork and alcohol will then go. When does the Shariah compliance stop?”

“So, we’re drawing a line now,” he said, noting that in a free society people can have differing views and be offended without resorting to violence.

The risks that come with holding such and event are necessary he said.

“This goes back to the founding principles of this nation, ‘Give me liberty or give me death,’ and, ‘For these great principles we pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.’”

“If were not willing to stand for these truths and these principles that make for a free society, then we’ll lose our free society,” Spencer said. “And if we’re not willing to stand even when the risks are as high as life and death, the death is what we’re going to get, anyway.”

Geller mobilized about 2,000 people to protest the “Stand With the Prophet” event in January.

Pamela Geller Sunday night in Garland, Texas (WND photo)

She said the aim of her event Sunday was “precisely to show that we will not be cowed into silence by this violent intimidation.”

“That is a crucial stand to take as Islamist assaults on the freedom of speech, our most fundamental freedom, are growing more insistent.”

In 2010, she organized a group she estimates was 5,000-strong to march on the site of the proposed “Ground Zero Mosque” near the World Trade Center. The project eventually was canceled.

The ADI art contest mirrored Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten’s publication in 2005 of editorial cartoons satirizing Muhammad, which prompted protests throughout the Middle East.

Bosch Fawstin, the winner of the $10,000 prize at the Muhammad art contest, is a former Muslim (WND photo)

Charlie Hebdo cartoonist Renald Luzier, who designed the front page of the magazine that appeared after the Paris attacks, announced last week he will no longer draw Muhammad.

He insists “the terrorists didn’t win,” explaining that drawing Muhammad “no longer interests me.”

A week after the Charlie Hebdo massacre, Australian artist Larry Pickering was put under police protection after threats arose in response to his depiction of Muhammad roasting on a spit as a pig.

In Belgium, a museum canceled an exhibition honoring the murdered Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, citing security concerns.

In February, Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who has faced numerous death threats for caricaturing Muhammad,  was whisked away from a free-speech event in Copenhagen called “Art, blasphemy and freedom of expression” after shots were fired. Just hours later, a second shooting outside a Copenhagen synagogue left two dead and five police officers wounded.


Article printed from WND:

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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2015, 11:31:21 am »
Robert Spencer warned U-Wisconsin students about Islamic State attacks days before Texas shooting

May 4, 2015 6:57 am By Robert Spencer 3 Comments

RobertSpencerUWisconsin042915Here is a fine account of my talk at the University of Wisconsin Madison on April 29, in which I warned about the Islamic State striking in the U.S. — just days before what appear to be a couple of Islamic State jihadis tried to commit jihad mass murder at our AFDI/Jihad Watch Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest in Garland, Texas.

“Jihad expert at Texas shooting warned students of ISIS in America – last week,” by David Hookstead – University of Wisconsin Madison, College Fix, May 4, 2015

Three days before a shooting in which two gunmen were shot dead by police after they open fire at a Mohammed cartoon event in Texas, college students in Wisconsin were warned Islamic radicals are living in America.

Not only that, Jihad expert Robert Spencer – who was present Sunday at the event in Texas that was attacked – told University of Wisconsin Madison students in a guest appearance that ISIS and radical Islamic terrorists want to kill Americans.

He began his talk by asking students why it’s important to care about ISIS, then bluntly answered his own question: “It matters because they want to kill you.”

In his Thursday speech, Spencer said ISIS has issued orders to their members in America to murder people and “if you can’t shoot them, then run them down with your car.”

After the shooting Sunday night, Spencer tweeted: “The shooting outside our free speech event shows once again that moderate Muslims are unable or unwilling to rein in their violent brethren.” RobertSpencer

Details about the two slain suspects, other than they are male, have yet to be released by authorities as of late Sunday night. It remained unclear several hours after the shooting whether it was related to event, but organizers have indicated their belief that it was.

And The Los Angeles Times reports the shooting was “preceded by messages from two social media accounts that expressed radical Islamic viewpoints.”

“One tweet …used the hashtag #texasattack. The user wrote, ‘May Allah accept us as mujahideen.’”

The event, a Mohammed Art Exhibit and Contest, had been criticized as a direct attack on Islam, but organizers said it was about the right to free speech.

As for Spencer, in his UW-Madison speech on Thursday, he had said he remembered a time when CIA counter-terrorism trainings included words like “Islam” and “Jihad.” But today, he added, those words can’t even be uttered in such trainings.

How does he know? Spencer used to lead some of them. But more recently he was shut down after CIA Chief John Brennan changed the policy on discussing Islam. Brennan has also publicly insisted that ISIS members are not “Islamic.”

Today, CIA members are instructed to consider ISIS members just as terrorists, criminals or thugs – not religious zealots.

“They came in and said, ‘You’ve got to get rid of Spencer and others talking about Islam,’” Spencer recalled. “You can’t mention Islam or Jihad in counter-terror training.”

He made the comments before a room of University of Wisconsin-Madison students, informing them of the political correctness that has taken hold of the Central Intelligence Agency – intellectual failures that he contends has led to the death of Americans.

Spencer, invited to speak on campus by the conservative campus group Young Americans for Freedom, told students he was extremely critical of this policy, and blamed it in part for radical Islam attacks in the United States, most notably the terror attack at Fort Hood by Major Nidal Malik Hasan and the Boston Marathon bombers.

He talked about how the government is afraid to confront very visible red flags like Hasan because they don’t want to be branded racist, bigots or Islamaphobics. Spencer was equally critical on the government in regard to the intelligence community’s failure to properly listen to warnings.

According to Spencer, the Boston bombings could have been stopped if “the FBI took the intel they got from the Russians seriously.” He was also quick to point out that the failures to combat radical Islam is not a partisan issue.

“The Republicans are clueless and out to lunch on the issue,” he said. “Democrats are clueless and out to lunch on the issue.”

Spencer was brought in by Young Americans for Freedom because he’s talking about important subjects students do not get anywhere else, organizers said.

“It’s something really important that should be discussed,” YAF co-chair Kelly Ward told The College Fix.

In the past, Spencer led seminars on Islam and jihad for the United States Central Command, United States Army Command, the U.S. Army’s Asymmetric Warfare Group, the FBI, the Joint Terrorism Task Force and other agencies.

Spencer didn’t mince words with the 30 or so students in the audience, a speech given with armed security, including local UW-Madison police, on hand.

Spencer also took a couple of direct shots at President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry for not properly identifying ISIS as Islamic and saying their murderous actions have nothing to do with Islam.

“They [ISIS] say they’re the most Islamic thing around…Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and Boko Haram all seek to restore the caliphate. ISIS finally did it,” he said.

The justification that ISIS uses for beheadings was also highlighted by Spencer, who cited the Quran chapter 47:4 where it tells Muslims to strike the necks of disbelievers. Some radical Muslims look at ISIS as a model of what believers of the Quran should do. Spencer elaborated on this mindset by saying: “They’re doing what the Quran says. Finally somebody is doing what the Quran says.”

Asked if he felt Muslim student organizations on American campuses have ties to radical Muslim groups, Spencer said “the MSA is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. There is a long list of MSA members from around America that have been involved in Jihad terrorism.”

But Spencer wrapped up his speech with some good news, saying that America will win because “lovers of life will always prevail.”

Spencer is director of Jihad Watch, a program of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Although police were on the scene, Spencer’s visit did not prompt any protests.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 11:35:42 am by rangerrebew »


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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2015, 11:53:14 am »

NY Times Reporter: 'Free Speech Aside,' Why Dare to Draw Muhammad?
By Tim Graham | May 4, 2015 | 7:19 AM EDT

Katie Pavlich at Townhall demonstrated the liberal media's distaste for conservative critics of Islam. New York Times reporter Rukmini Callimachi tweeted:
Callimachi, placed on the Islamic-extremism beat at the Times, was born in Romania and came to America with her parents. Pavlich answered her question: "Answer: To stand up for free speech again savages who murder over being offended. That's why." Callimachi also faced some Twitter replies:
A Monday New York Times report repeatedly called the hosting group, the American Freedom Defense Initiative led by Pamela Geller, as “anti-Islam.” That may be accurate, but do they ever describe the American Civil Liberties Union or atheist groups like the Freedom From Religion Foundation as “anti-Christian” or “anti-religion”? The story ended:

Ms. Geller described Sunday’s event as pro-free speech, and said that Muslims had become a “special class” that Americans were no longer allowed to offend.

“The media is self-enforcing a Shariah,” she said, referring to Islamic law. “Under the Shariah you cannot criticize or offend Islam.”

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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2015, 12:04:21 pm »
Those pesky Mormons......
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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2015, 12:28:32 pm »
Those pesky Mormons......


Don't blame Mormons for Amish handiwork...
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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2015, 12:29:43 pm »
Wonder why, with the IQ "over/under" line, the TIMES always goes for the "under"?
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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2015, 12:37:49 pm »

Don't blame Mormons for Amish handiwork...

Join The Reagan Caucus: and the Eisenhower Caucus:

Ronald Reagan: “Rather than...talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems and make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit…earning here they pay taxes here.”

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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2015, 12:39:16 pm »

Salon Columnist Blames Texas Jihad Attack on ‘Anti-Muslim Bigots’

by Lee Stranahan4 May 2015

Almost immediately after two men armed with AK-47s tried to shoot up Islamist awareness activist Pamela Geller’s Mohammed art exhibit, widely-respected left-wing Salon and Alternet columnist and Islamic apologist Ziad Jilani used Twitter to blame the shooting on “anti-Muslim bigots.”

Jilani wrote:

    Garland, TX is a hotbed of anti-Muslim bigots and they’re all armed, without facts coming out already seeing folks there say horrible things.
    I dont know who did the shooting or why, but don’t think Muslims feel threatened only because of a stupid cartoon …
    Anti-Muslim mob in Garland, in January, “You are not Americans. Don’t fly our flag.”

It seems that after every tragedy or crime, the post-Alinsky Left tries to change the subject to their own anti-American agenda. Mr. Jilani did so with astonishing speed in this case.
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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2015, 01:30:08 pm »
Those pesky Mormons......


Don't blame Mormons for Amish handiwork...

...and don't forget The National Alliance of Blue Hairs.
November 6, 2012, a day in infamy...the death of a republic as we know it.

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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #12 on: May 04, 2015, 02:09:39 pm »
Dammed Klingons ,aways cutting up and raising hell
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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #13 on: May 04, 2015, 02:16:39 pm »
Still waiting for the T word to be used ....

May as well cook dinner, it's going to be some time.
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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #14 on: May 04, 2015, 04:15:39 pm »
Police: 1 Officer Fatally Shot Both Gunmen Outside Muhammad Cartoon Event, 'Saved Lives'
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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2015, 04:21:58 pm »

Salon Columnist Blames Texas Jihad Attack on ‘Anti-Muslim Bigots’

When you start appeasing your sworn enemy to avoid being 'offensive', then they drive the definition of acceptable behavior and have already won the war...

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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2015, 04:26:07 pm »
“One tweet …used the hashtag #texasattack. The user wrote, ‘May Allah accept us as mujahideen.’”

Here again we see the need to fight this war on a psychological level.

We must convince these jihadis that they aren't going to heaven and aren't getting their 72 virgins but will wind up in hell instead.  That's the only belief that will stop them.

I can understand that we may not want to do it in a moslem country but the fact we can't do that here shows that the war is already lost...

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #17 on: May 04, 2015, 05:18:22 pm »
Here again we see the need to fight this war on a psychological level.

We must convince these jihadis that they aren't going to heaven and aren't getting their 72 virgins but will wind up in hell instead.  That's the only belief that will stop them.

I can understand that we may not want to do it in a moslem country but the fact we can't do that here shows that the war is already lost...
very true. Sharia coming to a town near you soon.

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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #18 on: May 04, 2015, 06:59:14 pm »

It seems that many can't get beyond the CNN, MSNBC, CBS talking points so I'll try to explain what the MSM wont tell them.

The center in which Pam Geller held the Free Speech convention is the very same center in which "Peace Loving Muslim's" held their convention four months ago ... cheering and supporting the killing of twelve 'infidels' by Muslim terrorists in the Charlie Hebdo murder spree!

These "Peace Loving Muslim's" were 'cheering' the murder of twelve innocent people and Demanding an end to free speech against Islamic terrorism!

There were protests held against holding this terrorists gathering but the Muslim's held it anyway.
Guess what, no one was shot!

Pam Geller thought that holding a convention for World Wide Freedom of Speech and the end of oppression in the same center would send a message .. We, in America, Will Not Be Cowed by Muslim radicals!

I guess that she was wrong .. when it comes to some!

Pam Geller is a Patriot!

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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2015, 08:48:51 pm »
Someone has noted that the events in Garland demonstrate an essential difference between Texas and Paris.
Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.

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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2015, 08:52:44 pm »
It seems that many can't get beyond the CNN, MSNBC, CBS talking points so I'll try to explain what the MSM wont tell them.

The center in which Pam Geller held the Free Speech convention is the very same center in which "Peace Loving Muslim's" held their convention four months ago ... cheering and supporting the killing of twelve 'infidels' by Muslim terrorists in the Charlie Hebdo murder spree!

Good point.  Thanks for bringing that out.   :patriot:

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2015, 08:53:58 pm »

Pam Geller thought that holding a convention for World Wide Freedom of Speech and the end of oppression in the same center would send a message .. We, in America, Will Not Be Cowed by Muslim radicals!

I guess that she was wrong .. when it comes to some!

Yeah, Donald Trump for one...

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

"The sole purpose of the Republican Party is to serve as an ineffective alternative to the Democrat Party." - GourmetDan


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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2015, 09:14:18 pm »
Hero Texas Cop With Handgun Takes Out Two Jihadis Armed With Assault Rifles


Brian Anderson 
May 4, 2015

It’s pretty miraculous that only a security guard received minor wounds in Sunday’s jihadist attack on a Muhammad drawing contest in Garland, TX. What’s even more amazing is that a single police officer, armed only with his service handgun was able to take down the attackers who reportedly had assault rifles. That unnamed officer is truly a hero.

In my initial coverage of the attack I noted that it was “some mighty fine shooting by the Garland Police Department,” but I had no idea how awesome it really was.

From Fox News:

A Texas traffic cop saved untold lives Sunday night when he took down two heavily armed men bent on storming a building where a ‘Draw the Prophet’ Muhammad contest was taking place, killing both before they could make their way inside.

The police officer, who has not been identified by Garland Police Department officials, “probably saved lives,” said police spokesman Joe Harn, who added that “his reaction, and his shooting with a pistol, he did a good job.”

And it gets even better:

Harn said the two suspects, believed to have driven some 1,100 miles from Phoenix to invade the contest at a suburban Dallas venue, shot assault rifles outside, wounding a security guard and hitting at least one police car. Local police, a SWAT team, FBI and ATF agents were on hand for the event, attended by 75 people, which authorities anticipated could anger Muslim hardliners. Authorities in Garland said the men — wearing body armor — drove up to the Curtis Culwell Center on Sunday night and began shooting at a security officer with assault rifles.


They were wearing body armor too? This may suggest the officer put the terrorist threat down with headshots, which ain’t easy to do with a handgun on a moving target. There is also the possibility that the officer was able to achieve this feat with only two shots:

Johnny Roby of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was attending the conference. He told the AP he was outside the building when he heard around about 20 shots that appeared to be coming from the direction of a passing car.

Roby said he then heard two single shots. He said he heard officers yell that they had the car before he was sent inside the building.

From that witness description it sure sounds like the Garland police office only needed two shots to stop these radicalized scumbags. Wow, just wow.

The two suspects have been identified as Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi. Simpson is known to US Intelligence as someone with ties to al Qaeda who was trying to establish a terrorist cell in the United States. Now thanks to a brave straight-shooting Texas police officer, the two jihadis are known as a couple of assholes in the morgue wearing toe-tags. His heroic actions saved untold lives.

When I wrote about this yesterday I said that the incident disproves the liberal held beliefs that guns don’t save lives and that Islam is the religion of peace, but there’s another lefty tenet that bit the dust: that semi-automatic rifles are military grade and designed to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time. They say that someone armed with a handgun couldn’t possibly stop a madman with an assault rifle.

Well, a single person with only a pistol, just took out two crazy-ass attackers armed with assault rifles and wearing body armor, and not one innocent life was lost. Once again, liberals are completely wrong.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2015, 09:15:07 pm by rangerrebew »

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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2015, 09:21:03 pm »
Any chance his last name Givens?    :laugh:
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Re: Two shot near Garland events center
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2015, 09:36:27 pm »
This is clearly a case where pieces loving muslims were killed because of someone's islamaphobia.  I'll bet they weren't even given Maranda Rights.  When will our newest racist AG initiate a civil rights investigation? *hmmmm*