Author Topic: GoFundMe Bans Cops, Fundraises for Child Molesters  (Read 584 times)

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GoFundMe Bans Cops, Fundraises for Child Molesters
« on: May 03, 2015, 11:38:10 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

GoFundMe Bans Cops, Fundraises for Child Molesters

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 2, 2015 @ 10:36 pm In The Point | No Comments

gofundmecriminals3 [1]
Not a child molester, but you can look at his eyes and guess his issue [2]

GoFundMe has officially turned into the left-wing fundraising site. After banning Christian flower store and bakery owners protecting their civil rights from making use of it, it has also banned fundraising [3] for the police officers being lynched by the corrupt Baltimore political establishment.

In a statement, GoFundMe said the campaign violated its ban on fundraising in defense of “formal charges or claims of heinous crimes, violent, hateful, sexual or discriminatory acts.”

As I pointed out last tim [4]e, GoFundMe has numerous fundraisers for convicted criminals. Including those convicted of murder.

After my last post went viral, GoFundMe was shamed into removing those fundraisers, but there are still plenty of others, making it quite clear that the site does not proactively take down violations of its Terms of Service except when it involves causes it politically opposes.

A minute in Google took me to a fundraiser for a woman convicted of grand theft, two child molesters and a murderer. If I can find them that quickly in Google, GoFundMe employees could find them a lot faster.

gofundmecriminals1 [5]

gofundmecriminals2 [6]

They choose not to.

If this post goes viral, GoFundMe may take these down, but there will be a thousand more like them.

GoFundMe takes 5 percent of total donations plus 2.9 percent and 30 cents from every donation. It’s cheaper to just set up a site [7] and fundraise directly.

GFM isn’t raising millions in venture capital because it’s a charity, but because it’s great at fleecing the people who use it. The reviews for the site are  [8]terrible.

Some mention it’s high fees.

Bottom line. Don’t use the site. If you want to donate to someone using GFM, reach out to them by email and ask about donating directly. They’ll end up with more money and GoFundMe’s leftist bosses will end up with less.

Article printed from FrontPage Magazine:

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URLs in this post:

[1] Image:

[2] guess his issue:

[3] it has also banned fundraising:

[4] I pointed out last tim:

[5] Image:

[6] Image:

[7] cheaper to just set up a site:

[8] reviews for the site are :