Author Topic: School Makes 3-Year-Olds Sign Pledge Not to Use ‘Transphobic Language’  (Read 441 times)

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School Makes 3-Year-Olds Sign Pledge Not to Use ‘Transphobic Language’

Lee Duigon
 on 1 May, 2015 at 09:00

Let’s see, now… how can I phrase this most gently? Oh, I know!

Public school officials are perverted wackos who shouldn’t ever be allowed near children.

Think it ain’t so? Well, go ahead–you try to find an innocent and reasonable explanation for the teachers at this school in England having little three-year-olds formally pledge never to use “transphobic language.”

Reports the Daily Mail:

“Children as young as three are being asked to sign a contract pledging not to use transphobic language at school.

“The pledge is contained in a ‘home-school agreement’ which all children must sign before they start at Turnham Primary School in September.

“The infants must also promise to refrain from using homophobic and racist phrases and to be tolerant of people with different sexual orientations and lifestyles. Each child must print their name and provide a signature to confirm that they understand their ‘responsibilities’ while attending the school. …

“The contract does not say what will happen to pupils who disobey the clauses.

“Yesterday, one mother said: ‘My son is three yet he is meant to pledge not to use “transphobic” language.

“‘How am I meant to explain it to my three-year-old that he must sign on the dotted line not to do something which he is not even aware exists when he can barely hold a crayon? This just fills me with dread about what sort of politically correct, tick-box bureaucracy runs this school.’ …

“The controversy comes in the wake of the Coalition’s British Values drive, which requires all schools to teach tolerance of other faiths and lifestyles. It was introduced last year in response to the Trojan Horse scandal, which saw schools in Birmingham allegedly infiltrated by Muslim hardliners hoping to impose an Islamic agenda.

“But since then, schools have complained they have been penalised by Ofsted for failing to meet the criteria. Two Christian schools in the North East said pupils were asked ‘inappropriate’ questions on race and sexuality – and branded intolerant when they gave the wrong answers. One ten-year-old girl was left in tears after inspectors allegedly asked her ‘whether she felt trapped in someone else’s body’.”

The pledge requires toddlers to promise to eschew “homophobic” language and “to be tolerant of people with different sexual orientations and lifestyles.” This brilliant idea, reports The Daily Mail, originated with the teachers at Turnham, who “introduced the document to help stamp out playground prejudice against transgender people.”

So that was a major problem, was it–three-year-olds being nasty about weird sexual proclivities?

I’m pretty sure I couldn’t sign my name when I was three years old. Nor did I know a single thing about “lifestyles,” to say nothing of poor lost souls getting portions of their anatomy chopped off so they can say they are members of the sex opposite to that proclaimed by the chromosomes in every cell of their bodies. If little children do know about this stuff, it’s because some sleazy “teacher” insisted on telling them all about it. Teachers are “change agents,” you know.

Please, please–if you love your children, do not send them to a public school. Ever.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2015, 08:48:27 pm by rangerrebew »

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