Author Topic: Muslim Smugglers to Europe Advertise Free Trips for 3 Year Olds on Facebook  (Read 347 times)

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Muslim Smugglers to Europe Advertise Free Trips for 3 Year Olds on Facebook

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 25, 2015 @ 8:17 am In The Point | No Comments

facebook-pages-used-by-human-traffickers [1]

The colonization will be brought to you on Facebook. Just pay a small fortune that no real refugee in that part of the world could afford and then board your cruise liner/raft with trips to destinations all across Europe. If you make it, then the invasion has been accomplished.

Bring the kids. There’s free stuff in Europe for al [2]l.

People smugglers are using Facebook to advertise transport for Syrian refugees from Turkey to Britain for up to £10,000 ($16,000, €14,000) per person.

On Arabic profile pages littered with images of luxurious cruise liners and even testimonials by former clients, smugglers promise routes from Turkey to Greece, Italy and the UK, and list telephone numbers for refugees to contact.

When asked about the ability of Syrian refugees to reach the UK, he said, in broken Arabic: “We offer flights from Greece to the UK, very easy.”

Asked what documentation a refugee might need, he said: “No passport needed, we do everything” but added that price for travel from Greece to the UK was considerably more expensive, at €15,000.

One Turkish man quoted the rate from Turkey to Greece as £1,460 per person but said children under the age of three travelled for free and under-12s were half price.

Another man who spoke only broken Arabic said: “You leave your money in the office, and we take you to a Greek Island by boat, 30 minutes. You stay there for a day or two, all costs on us including accommodation… then five or six-day travel by boat to Italy.”

If Europe doesn’t do something to shut down this business, European refugees will be paying smugglers for a trip to the US by leaky boat.

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