Author Topic: Squishy and Weak Senate Republicans Lead the Way in Confirming Loretta Lynch as Attorney General – Real Conservatives Outraged  (Read 531 times)

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Squishy and Weak Senate Republicans Lead the Way in Confirming Loretta Lynch as Attorney General – Real Conservatives Outraged

By Onan Coca   / 24 April 2015   / 3 Comments   
Last year our horrible Attorney General Eric Holder announced his decision to step down as soon as a new Attorney General could be confirmed. Within a couple of months, President Obama had settled on the hard-nosed New York federal prosecutor Loretta Lynch as his nominee. Over the next few months Lynch would be vetted and questioned and her seemingly strong case for AG would be sullied by her response to important constitutional questions. Her nomination was then held up by political tricks from Harry Reid, then as a method of extracting Democrat votes on important issues by Mitch McConnell.

Once the dust settled it became clear that conservatives simply could not support confirming Lynch. When asked about President Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional maneuvers – she demurred and spoke as if his moves were well within his constitutional purview. Which is simply and terrifyingly WRONG. (Read Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) clear and concise argument for why Senator Lynch should not be confirmed – it’s perfect.) However, a group of Senate RINO’s led by South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham seemed completely comfortable supporting her, and the conservatives were beaten once again.

What is wholly disheartening is that, once again, we see that the LEFT cannot beat conservatives… only Republicans can. Lindsey Graham has once again sold out every conservative American in an effort to placate the establishment of both parties.

Here’s Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) imploring his Senate colleagues to vote NO on confirming Lynch.

In my view, the obligation of every Senator to defend the Constitution is front and center why we are here. We have a nominee who has told the United States Senate she is unwilling to impose any limits whatsoever on the authority of the President of the United States. In the next 20 months, we are sadly going to see more and more lawlessness, more recklessness, more abuse of power, more executive lawlessness. Now more than ever, we need an Attorney General with the integrity and faithfulness of law to stand up to the President.

Here’s Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) explaining why Loretta Lynch is altogether unfit to serve as Attorney General.

A few days ago, I asked my followers on Facebook if the Senate should confirm #LorettaLynch to be the next Attorney General of the United States. The answer to this question was an overwhelming "No!" During my tele-townhall last night, a caller who was concerned about this nomination wanted to know how I was going to vote. I agree with this caller that the position of the Attorney General of the United States impacts all Americans, and for this reason it is important that senators exercise the power of advice and consent with vigilance. For the reasons discussed in the video, I cannot and will not vote in favor of Loretta Lynch's confirmation.

But conservative opposition wasn’t enough to stop Loretta Lynch from being confirmed. 10 Republicans stood with President Obama and the Democrat Party and gave their assent to the idea that the President is some 3rd World Banana Republic caudillo who gets to rule instead of lead. That is basically what these 10 Republicans are saying by confirming an Attorney General who believes that Obama has the power to supersede our law, to contort and twist our laws, and to destroy our laws.

From Lifenews here is the list of turncoat GOP RINO’s.

The Senate, by a 56-43 vote, confirmed Loretta Lynch to become the 83rd attorney general and first African-American woman to the position.

Sens. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Thad Cochran (Miss.), Susan Collins (Maine), Jeff Flake (Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Orrin Hatch (Utah), Ron Johnson (Wis.), Mark Kirk (Ill.), Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) joined Senate Democrats in approving her nomination.


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Real Conservatives Outraged

Again, or still?

Does that even need to be written anymore?  It's a given for me.

Offline raml

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How about people who believe in the constitution are outraged. She agrees with Obama on his ignoring of the constitution.

Offline Dexter

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Not confirming Lynch was starting to create too much bad press for Republicans. A lot of people here are quick to hate Republicans in DC without realizing a lot of what they do is to ensure the survival of the GOP. Sometimes it's just not worth it.
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