Author Topic: Muslim Attacks 63-Year-Old Man in Tel aviv While Shouting “Allahu Akbar”  (Read 392 times)

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Muslim Attacks 63-Year-Old Man in Tel aviv While Shouting “Allahu Akbar”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 23, 2015 @ 11:40 pm In The Point | No Comments

coexist-islam [1]

Muslim racist violence is so often accompanied by Allahu Akbar because the triumphant shout originated with Mohammed’s attack on Jews. It’s a statement of Islamic supremacy, signified by Allah, the Muslim deity, over all non-Muslims.

This is just one more incident of many [2] in the epidemic of Allahu Akbar violence.

The assault took place at the Shuk Hacarmel market in Tel Aviv. It was described on Facebook by Ohayon’s son, Kfir.

“Today, my father was attacked by a terrorist who shouted ‘Allau akbar’ at Shuk Hacarmel in Tel Aviv,” he wrote Tuesday. “This morning, at around 6:30, my father drove on a scooter to his place of work in Tel Aviv. On the road that crosses Shuk Hacarmel, he noticed the suspect dragging a cart. When he crossed his path, [the suspect] tried to ram the wheels of the scooter with the cart. My father stopped the scooter and asked him why he was doing this. He did not curse, did not attack, and did not approach him with any kind of violence.

“In response, the suspect pounced on him with cries of ‘Allahu akbar’ and a look of hatred in his eyes. Before he could respond, he caught my father and slammed him into the ground.

“The scooter fell and caught my father’s leg beneath it. He started hitting my father and kicking him in the face and other parts of the body while muttering words in Arabic. Many of his friends stood around and watched without lifting a finger.”

Allahu Akbar, it’s everywhere you don’t want to be.

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