Author Topic: Liberal Columnist RIPS INTO The Clintons: ‘Disorganized And Greedy,’ ‘A Fiasco’  (Read 321 times)

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Liberal Columnist RIPS INTO The Clintons: ‘Disorganized And Greedy,’ ‘A Fiasco’

Posted By Alex Griswold On 4:24 PM 04/23/2015 In | No Comments

New York magazine liberal columnist Jonathan Chait went after Bill and Hillary Clinton in a stinging op-ed Thursday, calling Bill’s post-presidency “disastrous” and accusing them of being “disorganized and greedy.” (RELATED: Liberal Politico Reporter: Clinton Campaign ‘Collapsing Completely’)

“All sorts of unproven worst-case-scenario questions float around the web of connections between Bill’s private work, Hillary Clinton’s public role as secretary of State, the Clintons’ quasi-public charity, and Hillary’s noncompliant email system,” Chait writes. “But the best-case scenario is bad enough: The Clintons have been disorganized and greedy.”

“To run a private operation where Bill Clinton will deliver a speech for a [huge] fee and a charity that raises money from some of the same clients is a difficult situation to navigate,” he continues. “To overlay that fraught situation onto Hillary’s ongoing and likely future government service makes it all much harder. And yet the Clintons paid little to no attention to this problem.”

At his harshest, Chait denounces the Clinton Foundation as a “quasi-government run by themselves, which was staffed by their own loyalists and made up the rules as it went along.” (VIDEO: Josh Earnest Dodges TEN Consecutive Questions About Clinton Foundation)

“Their experience running the actual government, with its formal accountability and disclosure, went reasonably well,” the liberal columnist is careful to note. “Their experience running their own privatized mini-state has been a fiasco.”

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