General Category > Immigration/Border

ACLU sues feds in bid to make Catholic groups provide abortion to illegal immigrants



--- Quote ---Providing food and shelter to illegal immigrants isn't enough for federally-funded Catholic organizations, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, which is suing the federal government to help ensure the religious organizations provide abortion and contraception to them as well. 

The suit aims to obtain government records related to reproductive healthcare policy for unaccompanied immigrant children in the care of federally funded Catholic agencies, which do not believe in abortion.

“We have heard reports that Catholic bishops are prohibiting Catholic charities from allowing teens in their care to access critical services like contraception and abortion- even if the teenager has been raped on her journey to the United States or in a detention facility,” said ACLU staff attorney Brigitte Amiri.
--- End quote ---


The ACLU is a criminal enterprise. 

Catholic organizations will not provide abortions.  Period.

No standing.


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