Author Topic: White Men Banned From Anti-Racism Event  (Read 352 times)

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White Men Banned From Anti-Racism Event
« on: April 23, 2015, 09:54:24 am »
White Men Banned From Anti-Racism Event
Brian Anderson 
April 22, 2015

This is a story out of England, so maybe they have a different definition of racism. Here in the states, it’s racist to exclude a person based on the color of their skin or ethnicity. In the UK apparently it’s the complete opposite. Goldsmiths University of London is holding an anti-racism event and, wouldn’t you know it, white people are not allowed to attend. Actually white men are banned; I don’t know if white women are also persona non grata.

The Spectator reports that Bahar Mustafa, the Welfare and Diversity officer for Goldsmiths Students’ Union, has put together a little bitch-fest that reportedly will challenge “the white-centric culture of occupations”, “diversifying our curriculum” and building a “cross-campus campaign that puts liberation at the heart of the movement.” I guess “diversity” also has a different meaning in England.

According to Mustafa’s FaceBook post that is no longer accessible:

Hey I made as many of you as hosts so please invite loads of BME Women and non-binary people!!

Also, if you’ve been invited and you’re a man and/or white PLEASE DON’T COME just cos I invited a bunch of people and hope you will be responsible enough to respect this is a BME Women and non-binary event only…Don’t worry lads we will give you and allies things to do


In case you are wondering, BME stands for Black and Minority Ethnic and “non-binary” is kind of a PC way of saying tranny or person that is confused about their gender.

The funny thing is, besides the fact that banning white men shows the hypocrisy of the organizer is that no white man in the world wants to attend this God-awful event. If Mustafa had put out an invite that said: “Hey white guys, you wanna come listen to transgender minority women bitch about how white men have ruined everything for a couple of hours?” there would literally be no takers.

Men want to be at this thing like they want to sit and have their nose hairs yanked out by pliers while listening to Kenny G all night.

On the other hand, if you had a 6-hour reading of the tax-code changes and said: “No minority women may attend” there would be an epic freak out. Minority women would protest and force their way in so they could prove they are worthy of being bored out of their minds. They’d never once consider if they actually wanted to sit and hear someone read tax codes for 6 hours because…empowerment.

Rather than being acts of racism or sexism, I feel like Mustafa banning white men from her event is a publicity student to draw attention to something that almost no one cares about. She (he?) seems like an idiot, but nobody is foolish enough to think that white men are dying to go to something like this.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2015, 09:55:29 am by rangerrebew »