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While Obama Appeases Iran, Iran Prosecutes US Journalist
« on: April 21, 2015, 10:22:30 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

While Obama Appeases Iran, Iran Prosecutes US Journalist

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 20, 2015 @ 7:26 pm In The Point | No Comments

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Iran has responded to Obama’s radioactive appeasement by picking up its rate of executions  [2]and prosecuting the Washington Post bureau chief [3]. While administration defenders insist that the victory dance of the Mullahs is for internal consumption only, they are demonstrating that they really do believe that they have humiliated America, and they’re counting coup.

The Washington Post’s Tehran bureau chief has been charged by Iranian authorities with espionage and three other crimes, his Tehran-based lawyer said Monday.

The charges against the journalist, Jason Rezaian, include espionage as well as serious offenses that include collaborating with “hostile governments” and “propaganda against the establishment,” according to a statement from his lawyer provided to The Wall Street Journal by a Rezaian family representative.

Mr. Rezaian has been imprisoned in Tehran since July and was indicted by Iran’s judiciary in January. His lawyer’s comments Monday were the first substantive accounting of the charges against him…

The Washington Post’s executive editor, Martin Baron, said the charges were baseless and called for Mr. Rezaian’s immediate release.

“It is absurd and despicable to assert, as Iran’s judiciary is now claiming, that Jason’s work…amounted to espionage or otherwise posed any threat to Iranian national security,” Mr. Baron said in a statement.

As Baron ought to know quite well, the Iranian judiciary would not make such a move without approval from above. The Iranian regime is showing its strength and the weakness of the United States. This is a show intended for the rest of the region.

What Iran wanted most of all from these negotiations, even more than sanctions relief, was demonstrating the weakness of the United States and its inability to stop it from achieving its objectives. That is what it’s doing now.

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[2] picking up its rate of executions :

[3] prosecuting the Washington Post bureau chief: