Author Topic: College Leftists Accuse Nobel Prize Winner Who Cured Thousands of Africans of Racism  (Read 487 times)

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College Leftists Accuse Nobel Prize Winner Who Cured Thousands of Africans of Racism

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 22, 2015 @ 1:37 am In The Point | No Comments

Social Justice Warriors love to visit a Third World country, take some photos of themselves eating native foods and spend a few days making a nuisance of themselves at some charity project before moving on.

Albert Schweitzer though actually spent time treating diseases at a time when that was a risky proposition. He worked under primitive conditions and saved lives.

He won a Nobel Peace Prize for his work. He was also an opponent of colonialism. So naturally today’s SJWs accuse him of racism [2].

Students from Chapman University in Orange County, California, defaced the busts of several notable figures, including U.S. President Ronald Reagan, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and author Ayn Rand.

The statues were covered in yellow caution tape, with signs posted on each figure indicating that they were under “student review” for various charges:

Schweitzer’s statue was also vandalized and he was accused of “Racism, Ethnocentrism and White Savior Complex”. By which they mean he actually helped people.


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[1] Image:

[2] today’s SJWs accuse him of racism:{listID}