Author Topic: Islamist Turkey Says Recognizing Armenian Genocide is Islamophobic  (Read 353 times)

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Islamist Turkey Says Recognizing Armenian Genocide is Islamophobic

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 17, 2015 @ 6:38 pm In The Point | No Comments

Davutoglu with Hillary


A short list of things that are Islamophobic

1. Complaining about Muslim terrorism

2. Complaining about Muslim genocide

Those Armenians should have checked their privilege instead of complaining about genocide. Same goes for the Yazidis. Objecting to Muslim genocide is downright Islamophobic [1].

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Friday angrily condemned the European Parliament for adopting a resolution urging Turkey to recognise the mass killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire as genocide, saying it was a sign of growing “racism” in Europe.

You noticed our racism… you must be racist.

It’s the most bigoted thing since all those 9/11 commemorations.

Speaking to reporters in Ankara, Davutoglu said such statement ignored the suffering of Muslim Turks in World War I and risked inciting hatred towards other non-Christian religious groups.

Sure. Think of how hard it was for the Muslim Turks to chop off all those heads. They came down with tennis elbow. Where is their memorial?

The European Parliament on Wednesday agreed a resolution urging Turkey to use the centenary of the 1915 tragedy to “recognise the Armenian genocide” and help promote reconciliation between the two peoples.

Reconciliation between two peoples? So racist.

“The European Parliament should not take decisions that would result in hatred toward a certain religion or ethnic group if it wants to contribute to peace,” said Davutoglu.

The “certain” religion being the one that chops off heads and uses sex slaves. The same religion in charge of Turkey which is aiding ISIS.

“This issue is now beyond the Turkish-Armenian issue. It’s a new reflection of the racism in Europe.”

You know, if Davutoglu, Hillary’s former best pal, wants to keep talking about racism, we can raise the Afro-Turk issue. The Turkish slave trade left behind a whole lot of victims.

“The European Parliament has a structure where the decisions are taken in a very casual way,” added Davutoglu.

As opposed to Turkey where the entire country is run by a dictator living in a billion dollar palace.

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