Author Topic: First Poll Shows Rubio Surge After Announcement, Now Beating Bush in Florida  (Read 3742 times)

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Offline Luis Gonzalez

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You're right! There is nothing wrong with supporting YOUR candidate in any way that you can without being disrespectful of the opinions of others.

My short list at the moment is !. Governor Scott Walker  2. Governor Rick Perry (warts and all) and  3. Ted Cruz and I'm going to work like the dickens to see that one of them gets the nomination but I will be respectful of the opinions of others in the process for so long as they allow me to be.

We have a LONG way to go before election day and all of us will enjoy some triumphs and suffer some great disappointments before we get there!

Here's my short list:

1. Any Republican over any Democrat
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Ah....... but you are not just 'confident' about your candidate.  You are damning the other candidates and accusing those who are still looking for the best person to be President as not being conservative.

No one is saying you don't have a 'right' to your opinion.  But you also have an obligation to not be hostile to the rest of us.

In fact, you angrily accused me of 'hating' the Tea Party on a thread where I was vehemently defending the Tea Party (because I am part of it, and actually have been on the platform of a Tea Party gathering).  When you found out you were wrong, you never even admitted it. (I had seen enough of you to know you wouldn't apologize, but an 'oops' would have been nice).  You just huffed away, I guess.

I would suggest that you back off your (incessant) attacks on others, contribute your own POV, and see what happens.

All you are doing now is cementing the negatives for Cruz (his rabid supporters), and not doing him any good.

I happen to like Cruz a lot and am looking seriously at him, but you are not helping his cause AT ALL.

Let's pick the best candidate to beat the vile, anti-American left, OK??  Stop eating your own, libertybele.

"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx