Author Topic: Anti-Israel J Street Leftists Met w/Obama, Urged Him to Oppose Israel  (Read 464 times)

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Anti-Israel J Street Leftists Met w/Obama, Urged Him to Oppose Israel

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 15, 2015 @ 11:50 am In The Point | No Comments

Netanyahu may have had trouble getting to talk to Obama and Israel’s ambassador may have been shut out, but Israel’s domestic enemies continue to have Obama’s ear, as  [1]reported by the Algemeiner’s Dovid Efune.

The second meeting, which was largely stacked with Obama allies, “was very pleasant,” according to one of the guests. It was “all his friends,” the guest said. As well as J Street supporters, others present included Haim Saban, the Israeli-American entertainment mogul who has been critical of Obama’s Middle East policies, and Democratic donors associated with AIPAC, including past presidents Amy Friedkin and Howard Friedman

Obama presented himself as thinking “like an ultra-liberal Jew” and conveyed the “J Street mantra,” according to the source.

Although some pointed questions were asked, Obama faced far less resistance, and was even encouraged to take steps against Israel and remain steadfast in his approach to Iran negotiations.

According to the source, one “J Streeter” pushed Obama to remove the American veto protection of Israel at the UN in the event that a Security Council resolution called for the creation of a Palestinian State.

The individual “said if you decide to go against Israel at the UN, ‘let us know first, and we’ll do the legwork for you, in the community… so you’re not going to come in cold…’ and they pushed him to do it,” the participant told The Algemeiner. “Another major Jewish leader… not J Street, more centrist, but he wants to cosy up to Obama, says [regarding Iran] ‘you are doing the right thing, we are behind you 100 percent’.”…

Among the J Street supporters who were part of the delegation meeting with Obama were Alexandra Stanton, Lou Susman and Victor Kovner…

Just days before the meetings were held, a Gallup poll found that American Jews’ approval of President Obama has dropped 23 percentage points since 2009, and the gap between Jewish approval and general American approval of Obama—which has been marked by higher Jewish approval—is narrowing.

Just needs a little more legwork. And then maybe Obama will finally be in negative numbers with everyone except Soros’ J Street messenger boys and girls.

There is no Jewish leadership. There are a variety of wealthy organizations representing no one except their wealthy donors.

The grass roots communal leadership exists locally and is ignored by the White House. Everything else is rubber chicken dinner foundations and outright anti-Israel groups funded by dirty money billionaires like George Soros.

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[1] continue to have Obama’s ear, as :