Author Topic: Newest Hillary Talking Point: Marrying Into a Dynasty is Better Than Being Born Into It  (Read 438 times)

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Newest Hillary Talking Point: Marrying Into a Dynasty is Better Than Being Born Into It

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 13, 2015 @ 11:31 pm In The Point | No Comments

How desperate are the Dems for pro-Hillary talking points?

So desperate that Dem hack Hillary Rosen retweeted a message urging her to tell CNN hosts that, “please remind the hosts and your counterparts HRC wasn’t born into #dynasty. like Jeb, Rand, Lincoln etc”

We’re now at the point where the Hillary hacks want to argue that she’s better than Jeb Bush because she married into her job instead of being born into it.

I’m sure the American people will love that debate.

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