Author Topic: Gay Fascism in America = ISIS Without the Bullets?  (Read 399 times)

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Gay Fascism in America = ISIS Without the Bullets?
« on: April 08, 2015, 09:48:36 pm »

Gay Fascism in America = ISIS Without the Bullets?

By Gary DeMar   / 8 April 2015   / 29 Comments   


The title to this article might seem extreme in comparing the gay rights movement to killing Christians and burning down their churches.

But the effect is nearly the same minus the bloodshed. Christians are persecuted, their businesses are shut down through intimidation, and renegade judges are levying massive punitive fines when Christians refuse to deny their faith and then demanded to serve a sexual religion they believe is false and immoral.

Today's liberal, pro-homosexual judges are our nation's mullahs. The law, what's left of it, is interpreted by the dictates of the gay narrative. The First Amendment is no longer an operating freedom. It has been usurped by a homosexual version of the Quran written to exclude all competing religions.


Consider some of these examples that can be found at WND:
◾Family-owned Memories Pizza in Indiana came into the crosshairs of homosexuals when an owner was interviewed by a local TV station in the aftermath of the adoption of the state’s religious freedom law. Responding to a reporter’s question, the owner said that while her restaurant serves gays, her Christian faith wouldn’t allow her to cater a “gay wedding.” The restaurant immediately became a focal point of outrage toward the law, with threats of death and destruction, causing the owners to shut down their business.
◾The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association no longer is used for weddings because a lesbian duo was denied permission to use it, and a state discrimination complaint was filed.
◾The owners of a Christian farm in upstate New York recently were fined $10,000 and assessed $1,500 in damages for not allowing a lesbian duo to use their land and home for a wedding.
◾The Colorado Civil Rights Commission ordered Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cakeshop to use his artistry to celebrate homosexual unions in violation of his Christian beliefs... A state commissioner, Diann Rice, likened Christians to slaver owners and Nazis.


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