Author Topic: Democrat Schiff: 'Al Qaeda Has Had a Resurgence'  (Read 388 times)

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Democrat Schiff: 'Al Qaeda Has Had a Resurgence'
« on: April 08, 2015, 10:09:30 am »
Democrat Schiff: 'Al Qaeda Has Had a Resurgence'

April 6, 2015 - 7:50 AM
By Susan Jones

( - Yemen, once hailed by the Obama administration as a successful model of counter-terror cooperation, has falled into "complete chaos," Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) told ABC's "This Week" on Sunday.

Schiff is the ranking Democrat on the House intelligence committee.

"Well, in Yemen the news is really all bad. Just as we feared, in the chaos between this fight with the Houthis and now the Saudi intervention, al Qaeda has had a resurgence, they've taken over the fifth largest town in Yemen, sprung al Qaeda operatives from prison, a couple hundred people.


"We're still trying to ascertain just who was released in that prison break. They've also taken over part of a bank and now have added financial resources. So that chaos is providing just the kind of fertile ground and environment for AQAP to grow again."

Appearing with Schiff, Michael Leiter, the former director of the National Counterterrrorism Center under both Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, said Yemen was a safe haven before the U.S.-backed government of Yemen was overthrown. "And now it's more than a safe haven -- it's really wild.

"And it's not just wide open for al Qaeda, but it really is a new battlefield for sectarian tension in the region. And I think what that means is we're not going to have this under control for quite some time," Leiter added.

Leiter said al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has been the most successful so far in attempting to attack the United States. First it put the underwear bomber on a plane to Detroit, then it tried to put bombs in printer cartridges. "This is a very sophisticated group that is committed to fighting outside of Yemen, not just in Yemen."

Asked if the Obama administration's counterterrorism policy is the right one, Schiff said, "it's the right one when compared to the alternative of a massive American occupation. We're not going to do another Afghanistan, we're not going to fully occupy Yemen or every other country where there's a significant terrorist problem.

"That doesn't mean that the administration's strategy is flawless, however. And I think had we put greater emphasis and resources in trying to deal with the governance issues in Yemen, this might have been prevented and might -- there's no guarantee here.

Schiff called for a "whole of government approach. It can't be simply counterterrorism. We have to look at some of the underlying tribal and governance problems as well."

Meanwhile, in Yemen, the Saudi-led air campaign targeting Houthi Shiite rebels (backed by Iran) entered its 12th day on Monday.

The Associated Press reported that the (Sunni) Saudis have asked Pakistan to contribute soldiers to the effort, raising the possibility of a ground offensive in the Yemen. Pakistan's parliament is now debating the Saudi request for military support.

Also See:
Administration Stands by Assertion that Yemen Has Been a Counter-Terror Success

McCaul: Yemen Pullout Will Harm Intelligence Capabilities, Increase Risk to Homeland

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