Author Topic: Christians Massacred and Obama AGAIN Fails to Point Out the Obvious Connection  (Read 512 times)

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Christians Massacred and Obama AGAIN Fails to Point Out the Obvious Connection

By Onan Coca   / 7 April 2015   / 2 Comments   
Last week Muslim terrorists launched an assault on innocent college kids in a small town in Kenya. The evil villains, all Muslim, massacred 148 people… but there was something else that connected the poor victims of the attack.

They were all Christians.

How do we know this? Reports from the survivors recount that the murderers went from room to room separating the Christian students from the Muslim students. Eventually the Christians who’d been separated were all horribly massacred.

In a statement early on Thursday, the Shabab said that its fighters had attacked the university early in the morning, separating Muslims from non-Muslims in an “operation against the infidels.”

kenya massacreIn an audio message soon after, a Shabab spokesman, Ali Mohamoud Raghe, said the attack had been carried out because “the Christian government of Kenya has invaded our country,” a reference to the Kenyan military’s 2011 incursion into Somalia to oust the Shabab from its strongholds.

He said the university had been targeted because it was educating many Christian students in “a Muslim land under colony,” a reference to the large Somali population in a part of Kenya that Somalia once tried to claim. He called the university part of Kenya’s “plan to spread their Christianity and infidelity.”

 Yet somehow, our President couldn’t seem to bring himself to say this one important piece of information during his comments and condolences on the attack.

Michelle and I join the American people in expressing our horror and sadness at the reports coming out of Garissa, Kenya. Words cannot adequately condemn the terrorist atrocities that took place at Garissa University College, where innocent men and women were brazenly and brutally massacred.  We join the world in mourning them, many of whom were students pursuing an education in the pursuit of a better life for themselves and their loved ones. They represented a brighter future for a region that has seen too much violence for far too long. We also commend the heroism of the responders who lost their lives in the selfless protection of the students and faculty.

kenyamassacre 2I know firsthand the extraordinary resilience and fundamental decency of the people of Kenya. So I know that the people of Garissa and all of Kenya will grieve, but their determination to achieve a better and more secure future will not be deterred. And neither will the resolve of the United States. We will stand hand-in-hand with the Kenyan Government and people against the scourge of terrorism and in their efforts to bring communities together. This much is clear: the future of Kenya will not be defined by violence and terror; it will be shaped by young people like those at Garissa University College – by their talents, their hopes, and their achievements. This is a message I will relay to the Kenyan people when I visit Kenya in July. Even at this difficult hour, the Kenyan people should know they have an unwavering friend and ally in the United States of America.   
Notice anything odd about that statement? Nothing about Christianity, nothing about Islam, nothing about the actual reasons or motivations for the attack. Just vague nonsense about Kenya and the USA being allies in the war on terror.

How can we defeat this evil if we won’t even call it what it is? Islamic terrorism has been a scourge on our planet for long before any of us were born, and it will continue its cruel reign long after we’re dead and buried. We must have the fortitude to recognize this.

The problem isn’t just a few “crazies” in enclaves around the Muslim world. The problem is with ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, and even in supposedly “western” Muslim countries like Turkey. The problem is much more “mainstream” than our President seems willing to acknowledge, and as long as that is our reality, we’ll continue to play defense as we stumble backwards on our heels.