Author Topic: Santorum: Should Gay Printers Be Forced to Make ‘God Hates bleep’ Signs for Westboro Baptist?  (Read 469 times)

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Santorum: Should Gay Printers Be Forced to Make ‘God Hates bleep’ Signs for Westboro Baptist?

Monday, April 6, 2015

Likely 2016 GOP contender Rick Santorum (R) considered a hypothetical on Face the Nation Sunday morning very similar to one playing out in Florida: should gay business owners be compelled to produce homophobic products? Santorum’s hypothetical came during a discussion about Indiana’s “religious freedom” law, which critics fear will allow businesses to discriminate against gays and lesbians. He distinguished between discriminating against a person and compelling a business to participate in an event. “No business should discriminate because of who you are,” Santorum said. “But it should have the ability to say, we’re not going to participate in certain activity that we disagree with on religious point of view.” “Tolerance is a two-way street,” Santorum continued. “If you are a print shop and you are a gay man, should you be forced to print ‘God Hates bleep’ for the Westboro Baptist Church? Should the government force you to do that? That’s what these cases are all about. …This is where I think we just need some space to say, let’s have some tolerance.”

via Mediaite