Author Topic: Is Juan Williams Really This Stupid About Iran?  (Read 639 times)

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Is Juan Williams Really This Stupid About Iran?
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:13:48 am »

Is Juan Williams Really This Stupid About Iran?

By Aaron Goldstein on 4.5.15 | 12:18AM

When I saw that The Five was going to discuss the Iranian nuclear framework, I knew that Juan Williams would defend the indefensible.

I don't have a video clip or a transcript of what Williams said. But take my word for it he thinks the framework reached between Obama & the P5+1 is the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel.

What struck me more than anything else was how Williams really thinks that this framework is going to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. He is accepting Iran's word at face value. While Williams chides Republicans for not listening and keeping an open mind to this deal, he is impervious to reason when it comes to its shortcomings. Williams is utterly indifferent to the fact that Iran is holding Americans in capacity and the Obama Administration did not make their release a priority. Nor was he troubled by Ayatollah Khamenei's "Death to America" call. Williams argued that he was just playing to his domestic political base. However, in Williams' eyes, Benjamin Netanyahu is allowed no such consideration as demonstrated by his recent op-ed in The Hill in which he derided Netanyahu's "racial politics". Williams made a point of criticizing Bibi's negotiations with the Palestinians. Never mind that it was the Palestinians, not Bibi, who rejected Secretary Kerry's peace framework last year.

Is Juan Williams really this stupid when it comes to Iran?

I think that would be more accurate to say that Williams could be described either as an apologist for the Obama Administration or an apologist for the Iranian mullahs. It's hard to tell difference as demonstrated by Senator Menendez's quip that the Obama White House's talking points on Iran "come straight out of Tehran." Of course, that's the sort of remark that can get one on the wrong end of the DOJ.

Whatever his motivations, when it comes to Iran, Juan Williams is speaking like a fool.


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