Author Topic: Obama: Iran Can’t Fight Us, Iran: Death to America  (Read 388 times)

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Obama: Iran Can’t Fight Us, Iran: Death to America
« on: April 06, 2015, 10:16:40 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Obama: Iran Can’t Fight Us, Iran: Death to America

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 5, 2015 @ 10:01 pm In The Point | No Comments

Like most Americans, what I wanted most out of our foreign policy was a leader who could repeat facile liberal cliches.

“Iran’s defense budget is $30 billion. Our defense budget is closer to $600 billion,” Obama tells Thomas Friedman. “Iran understands that they cannot fight us.”

That must be why Iran is taking over Yemen, constantly telling its people that they will go to war with America and developing nuclear weapons and the missiles to carry them.

Clearly Iran understands that it cannot fight us. That’s why its leader chants “Death to America”.

Liberals love using the passive aggressive claim that the US defense budget is so big that we don’t need it because no one can possibly fight out $600 billion defense budget.

Maybe someone can remind me what the Viet Cong defense budget was. Israel spends far less money on defense than Saudi Arabia. Does anyone really want to bet on the Saudis in an armed clash between the two?

The Saudis also spend more than Canada. Anyone want to bet on the Saudis to win that one?

And that $600 billion defense budget? About 10 percent of it goes to health care. Anyone want to guess how much Iran is spending on military health care.

We don’t just have a bigger military budget. We have different priorities.

Iran doesn’t understand that it can’t fight us. Nor does it see that fight as being a one shot deal. Instead it looks for short term victories to increase its influence in the region.

Obama understands that Iran can’t fight us. It’s a pity that no one Iran that it can’t fight us.

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