Author Topic: Obama: Iran Deal is a Good Idea Even if Iran Lies and Cheats  (Read 576 times)

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Obama: Iran Deal is a Good Idea Even if Iran Lies and Cheats
« on: April 06, 2015, 09:49:16 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Obama: Iran Deal is a Good Idea Even if Iran Lies and Cheats

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 5, 2015 @ 10:40 pm In The Point | No Comments

It worked for ObamaCare, why not NukeCare?

“It is a good deal even if Iran doesn’t change at all,” Obama argued. “Even for somebody who believes, as I suspect Prime Minister Netanyahu believes, that there is no difference between Rouhani and the supreme leader and they’re all adamantly anti-West and anti-Israel and perennial liars and cheaters — even if you believed all that, this still would be the right thing to do. It would still be the best option for us to protect ourselves. In fact, you could argue that if they are implacably opposed to us, all the more reason for us to want to have a deal in which we know what they’re doing and that, for a long period of time, we can prevent them from having a nuclear weapon.”

If we can’t trust Iran and it’s lying and cheating, that’s all the more reason to put a toothless deal into place that will end sanctions while trying to play catch up with Iran’s nuclear program, a task that we’ve failed miserably at thus far.

We can’t trust Iran… so that’s all the more reason to trust Iran.

Don’t worry. There will be some sort of international mechanism for inspection. Like a Swiss clock. Or a Russian mechanical bear. It’ll do something…

Anywhere in Iran? I asked.

“That we suspect,” the president answered. “Obviously, a request will have to be made. Iran could object, but what we have done is to try to design a mechanism whereby once those objections are heard, that it is not a final veto that Iran has, but in fact some sort of international mechanism will be in place that makes a fair assessment as to whether there should be an inspection, and if they determine it should be, that’s the tiebreaker, not Iran saying, ‘No, you can’t come here.’ So over all, what we’re seeing is not just the additional protocols that I.A.E.A. has imposed on countries that are suspected of in the past having had problematic nuclear programs, we’re going even beyond that, and Iran will be subject to the kinds of inspections and verification mechanisms that have never been put in place before.”

That certainly clears things up.

“That all the world shall–I will do such things,–
What they are, yet I know not: but they shall be
 The terrors of the earth.”

King Lear

Obama is trying to sell his deal based on some sort of international inspection mechanism that doesn’t exist, has never been implemented and that Iran has doubtfully actually agreed to.

Sanctions relief now. Deal push now. Inspection mechanism… some time in the distant future. Maybe. But when it happens, it’s going to do all these amazing things. Maybe.

I can see why Obama is okay with Iran being liars and cheats. It’s a quality he shares with their regime.

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