Author Topic: Convicted Murderer To Get 100K Sex-Change Operation Courtesy Cali Taxpayers  (Read 466 times)

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Nanny State

Convicted Murderer To Get 100K Sex-Change Operation Courtesy Cali Taxpayers

V. Saxena 
April 4, 2015

This past Thursday, U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar ruled that the state of California must waste taxpayer funds on providing convicted murderer Jeffrey Bryan Norsworthy, 51, with a sex-change operation so that he can prance around Mule Creek State Prison as Michelle-Lael Norworthy.

The judge made this ruling on the basis that denying Norsworthy the chance to rob the law-abiding citizens of California of their earnings would amount to a violation of “her constitutional rights.”

“The weight of the evidence demonstrates that for Norsworthy, the only adequate medical treatment for her gender dysphoria is SRS,” he argued.

Apparently, Norsworthy started living as a woman in the 1990s and eventually convinced some MSNBC-watching prison doctor that he/she/it/that/whatever suffers from “severe gender dysphoria.”

As a result, he/she/it/that/whatever deserves this surgery. This despite the fact that Norsworthy earned a life sentence back in 1987 for second-degree murder.


Regardless, according to California Corrections Health Care Services spokeswoman Joyce Hayhoe, “the operation would be the first in state-prison history, and could cost as much as $100,000.”

Correction officials may try to appeal the decision. The Daily Mail reports that they previously attempted to argue “that Norsworthy has received proper medical and mental health care for more than 15 years and is in no immediate medical danger if the surgery is not performed.” This care “included counseling, mental health treatment and hormone therapy.”

So to recap, some dipshit federal judge just ruled that the state of California must waste another $100,000 on a convicted murderer who for the record has already wasted God knows how much of the state’s money on his/her/its absurd bullshit.

Welcome to 21st-century America, ladies and gentlemen …

Note that my frustration lies not with the transgender community, but rather with the entitled criminals who think they deserve special treatment!