Author Topic: ISIS to be wiped out by deadly flesh-eating disease?  (Read 371 times)

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ISIS to be wiped out by deadly flesh-eating disease?
« on: April 04, 2015, 03:55:57 pm »

ISIS to be wiped out by deadly flesh-eating disease?

Caused by parasites, spread by bite of sandflies – fighters refusing treatment

Published: 19 hours ago


The fearsome Islamic State fighters are getting a dose of their own medicine, with many falling to an enemy no bigger than a fly.

In fact, it is a fly – a particular species of parasite-carrying sandfly that transmits a deadly flesh-eating virus.

Large numbers of ISIS militants have been infected and now sport large open wounds that can be fatal if not treated, reports the London Daily Mirror.

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While the disease, known as Leishmaniasis, is easily treatable, the fighters have been refusing medical treatment. The large pool of infected militants has meant the disease, associated with poor hygiene, is spreading quickly.

Local medical personnel are not equipped or knowledgeable about proper treatment. Physicians from the group Doctors Without Borders offerred initial care, but left Raqqa when ISIS took control of the city and made it their Syrian capital.

ISIS, in its attempt to impose Shariah in the areas it has captured has required doctors to change their practices. Only this past week, doctors were told they wouldl be fined if they delivered babies by “unIslamic” Caesarian section.

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Leishmaniasis can result in “skin ulcers, fever, low red blood cells and enlarged spleen and liver,” reported the Mirror.