Author Topic: Pro-Hezbollah Paper: Obama Ended His Speech w/”Khamenei, I am at your service!”  (Read 423 times)

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Pro-Hezbollah Paper: Obama Ended His Speech w/”Khamenei, I am at your service!”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 3, 2015 @ 12:19 pm In The Point | No Comments

Smart power. It’s when your enemies think they’ve defeated and humiliated you, but you’re just biding your time and waiting for the right moment to surrender to them… on your terms.

After Obama’s stamp of approval for Iran’s nuclear plans, Iran and its terrorist allies, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, are doing their expected victory lap.

Several hours after the joint statement by Iran and the world powers in Lausanne, Switzerland on the Iran nuclear deal framework, Ibrahim Al-Amin, the board chairman of the pro-Hizbullah Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar, published an article in the daily titled “A New World: The West Has Capitulated!” In it, he wrote that in every conflict there is a winner and a loser, and that in this case it is the West, led by the U.S., that has been defeated.

“The outcome of this conflict is simple: the West has capitulated,” Al-Amin wrote.

“We hear only the excuses that were voiced by U.S. President Barack Obama in explaining the agreement with Iran. He said clearly and succinctly: after trying everything with Iran, we were left with [only] two options – either war or an agreement – so we opted for an agreement. Obama did not say that war was an unrealistic option, but that is the truth.”

Al-Amin concluded that, “What happened yesterday can only be called historic, and Obama accurately described what really took place. He described the facts of the negotiations, which reflect the real balance of power. He was not happy enough to say that this was a new victory for America. Rather, he came close to saying that there had been no other choice. But the real tragedy for the enemies of Iran around the world was that they heard Obama end his speech yesterday with the words “Khamenei, I am at your service!”

And once Iran has Obama-approved nukes, how long until Hezbollah has them too?

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