Author Topic: New York Muslim Terror Plotters: “Paradise Lies Through the Flesh of non-Muslims”.  (Read 441 times)

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New York Muslim Terror Plotters: “Paradise Lies Through the Flesh of non-Muslims”.

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On April 2, 2015 @ 2:57 pm In Symposiums,The Point | No Comments

Yes, they really are a death cult. And they really want to kill you.

The latest entrants into the “Let’s kill a bunch of non-Muslims for Allah” sweepstakes are Noelle Velentzas aka Najma Samaa and Asia Siddiqui. Siddiqui liked to write Jihadist poetry and was nevertheless let back into America despite her contacts with Al Qaeda people.

Velentzas/Samaa was probably yet another convert. The two women were roommates who spent half their time at Home Depot trying to figure out how to kill Americans for Allah.

In the complaint, the government said the plot advanced to the point that Ms. Siddiqui bought four propane gas tanks and stored them in a stairwell outside her apartment. Earlier, the women had bought potassium gluconate at a Queens pharmacy, bought the fertilizer Miracle-Gro (which can be used as a bomb component) and read about and discussed bomb-making.

Velentzas allegedly praised the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks and told the undercover officer that being a martyr through a suicide attack guarantees entrance into heaven. According to the complaint, Velentzas showed the officer her phone, which included a background picture of bin Laden holding an AK-47, and called the infamous terrorist and his mentor, Abdullah Azzam, her heroes, the complaint says.

They wanted to bomb the recent police funerals after a Muslim #BlackLivesMatter protester shot two New York police officers.

According to the complaint, she told the agent, “If we get arrested, the police will point their guns at us from the back and maybe from the front. If we can get even one of their weapons, we can shoot them. They will probably kill us but we will be martyrs automatically and receive Allah’s blessing.”

And yes it was very much about Allah and Islam.

According to Velentzas/Samaa, a suicide bomber does not take her life, she gives her life in the name of Allah. She described her attacks as follows, “This is what it looks like. ‘In your face, bleep. Oh you’re dead'”.

“Velentzas added, ‘Why can’t we be some real bad bitches?’ and stated that people needed to refer to them as ‘citizens of the Islamic State,’” the complaint says.

Velentzas/Samaa said that terrorism is based on Islam writings found in the Koran.

During a conversation about co-existing with non-Muslims, Siddiqui stated, “How do I co-exist when I’m constantly saying.. ‘I’m all about jihad’, you know what I mean?”

Velentzas/Samaa stated that jannah, Islamic paradise, lies through the flesh of the Kufar, non-Muslims.

It’s a death cult. Its path to heaven is through murder.

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