Author Topic: Hypocrisy! Apple CEO Bashes Indiana but does Business with Nations that Hunt and Execute Homosexuals!  (Read 431 times)

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Hypocrisy! Apple CEO Bashes Indiana but does Business with Nations that Hunt and Execute Homosexuals!

By Gary DeMar   / 2 April 2015   / 24 Comments   

Let’s see if Tim Cook and Apple begin to divest from companies in China and nations where homosexuals are executed take place.

The Gateway Pundit reports: "Cook may believe Indiana’s new law is very dangerous towards gays… But it’s not as dangerous as the several countries Apple does business with where they execute gays."

Here are four of the ten countries that Apple does business with and where homosexuals are executed:
4.Saudi Arabia

Jamie Dean writing in World Magazine demonstrates the blatant hypocrisy of people like Tim Cook:

“Even as Cook denounces Indiana based on a misinterpretation of its new law, he courts the United Arab Emirates (UAE)—a federation where homosexuality is outlawed, and can be punishable by death.

“Cook traveled to UAE last year and met with government leaders, including Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed. The pair discussed technology in the burgeoning Middle Eastern economy, but it’s unclear whether Cook brought up the nation’s problematic human rights record.

“The U.S. State Department in a 2013 report on the UAE cited ‘citizens’ inability to change their government; limitations on citizens’ civil liberties (including the freedoms of speech, press, assembly, association, and internet use); and arbitrary arrests, incommunicado detentions, and lengthy pretrial detentions.’”


Let’s see if Cook and Apple will put principle over profits and stop all trade with these nations.


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